![]() Author has written 81 stories for Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Teen Titans, Final Fantasy X-2, Naruto, and Devil May Cry. If you want to contact me you can hit me up at darkangel062611@. or gacktsangel89@, i'm cool i'll talk to anybody. Or to make things even easier I have my aim screen name Skymaiden89. Status Report: Officially RETIRED. I know all about the madness going on with rated M fics and what not. My decision to retire has nothing to do with it. I was basically already in the process of leaving but I had wanted to finish Broken Beyond Repair first, but now with all of this it kinda definitely makes me want to be out just a bit more. So, yep instead of finishing that fic I will retire from the site as planned. Its possible that I can post it on Adult Fanfiction, maybe we'll see. I have had a long enough run anyway and lots of success, some failures too but all and all a good run here with lots of awesome readers/fans and cool authors I met along the way. Thanks all! The Maiden, over and out. Status Report: I normally don't do these since I doubt that many people are paticularly interested in anything I have to say. But I am currently dealing with alot of stuff right now that leaves me with no choice but to go on a long, long hiatus. I do not know when or if for that matter I will be back to writing anything. So I appreciate it if no one bugs me about FF or anything related to it. Thanks to the readers for reading and supporting me for all this time. But for now there is just too much going on for me to really be bothered. Hopefully I can return to this stuff one day. If not I had a good run here. Finally, fixing up this profile page lol. I really was such a damn mess back when I first got on here. Thank god for maturing with age and what not. So I'll keep it short, brief, and straightforward, much like how I am today. Favorite Manga's/Anime's/Stuff that I enjoy or have enjoyed: Naruto, Inuyasha, Samurai Champloo, Sailor Moon, Card Captors, Tenchi Muyo!, DragonBall Z/GT, Ruroni Kenshin, Blood Plus, Fooly Cooly, Bleach, Hellsing, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Vandread, Vampire Hunter D, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Full Metal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Gokusen a bunch of other stuff but this is good enough. Favorite Video games: Dragon Age Origins: OMG what an amazing game. Final Fantasy XIII (Light-san has stolen my heart and hasn't given it back! lol), Dragon Quest8, Kingdom Hearts(enough said) God of War(again, enough said a killer series), Devil May Cry. Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, alot of rpgs basically, will give mostly any game a try though. Favorite Characters and Pairings: Manga/Vid Games/Anime, etc Naruto: Naruto(no duh, he gets first mention in my book), Ino(I love her! She is my bitch for ever!), Tsunade(Awesome! and always will be), Shikamaru(Hot plus smartness! It's a win/win situation), Temari(Kick-ass girl), Jiraiya(Awesomeness, I think we all still grieve for him! RIP, Jiraiya-sama), Kurenai, Kakashi, Sai, Hinata, KillerBee!(How could I not!), Itachi(Hot! Enough said). Pairings: Love to mix it up, but mostly into: Naruto/Ino, Naruto/Sakura (OTP for the manga! Still holding out for em), Tenten/Temari(Cutest Yuri pair in the naruto world, needs more support!) Sasuke/Hinata(Definitely not a Sasuke fan by any means but the Sasuke/Hinata pairing has always been alluring to me. He needs someone to calm his psycho ass down anyway). Shikamaru/Ino (I loved them first and they are cuter sorry), Shikamaru/Temari (I'm no idiot we can all see the chemistry but physically Shika looks better with Ino) Jiraiya/Tsunade (Old-school Naruto/Sakura...sigh guess my Sakura/Naruto dreams will die too lol, oh well must hold out hope). Dragon Age Origins: OMG what an amazing game. I just recently discovered it and it has taken over my mind and soul. I don't think I've ever been this addicted to a game like this before. I literally play it for hours on end. Favorite characters: MORRIGAN!!!!!!! Omg the hotness of this woman is simply too much to bare. I'd go uber gay for her in a nanosecond. She could take me to the wilds anytime and I'd be a willing captive lol. She is such a deep, complex character. Leliana: Super cute, adorable girl how could you not adore her. And omg, the french accent. XD. Alistair: How adorable is he? So cute and awkward. I heart him. Zevran: Lmao at this man-whore. I love him. Wynne: Such a gangsta, nice old woman love her. Sailor Moon: Minako-chan! and Makoto-chan are my favorites although I do not hate or dislike any characters. Everyone's cool in my book. I just fangirl those two more. Pairings: Minako/Makoto hands down for me the cutest yuri pair of the bunch. Always loved them. Haruka/Michiru(Enough said! lol), Usagi/Rei(Always, always loved those two). Inuyasha: Sesshomaru is probably no...he is and always will be my favorite dude on that whole thing, no other words are necessary. Kikyou, Sango, Inuyasha, Miroku. Pairings: Sesshomaru/Kikyou, Sesshomaru/Sango, Kikyou/Inuyasha Samurai Champloo: Jin!(Hot, Hot, Hot, Silent and deadly. I seem to fall for those types lol) Mugen! (Kick-ass dude, funny, hot, enough said) Pairing: Jin/Fuu (No need for anything else, enough said) Final Fantasy XIII: Light! I'd go lesbo for this girl lol. She could do whatever to me I don't care. It took 13 games to make the most awesome bitch of all time that's the sad part. Fang! I'd go lesbo for her too. She can take me to Gran Pulse anyday lol. Funny ass hell chick with the sexy accent to boot what's not to love. Sazh, he's a cool dude. Pairings: Light/Fang! (You are blind as hell if you cant support,love, worship this pair. Too much there to deny). Light/Vanille(Its cute to me mostly thanks to the amazing fic Starless, by Asakami totally awesome fic by the way. Opened my eyes to the pair) Devil May Cry: Dante! (No duh), Vergil(Again, he can do whatever with me, the hotness and awesomeness of this dude is sick!) Final Fantasy XII: Balthier and Fran are my absolute fave people in that whole game, followed by Ashe enough said on that. Pair: Fran/Balthier (That's all, enough said), Ashe/Rasler Final Fantasy X-2 and X: Shuyin because like I said I love the nutjobs! And that was my first experience with final fantasy. Rikku!(Cute, super cute but not in an annoying way), Paine (Awesome!) Auron!(No shit, I mean hands down awesome!), Lulu (What's not to like?), and Wakka Pairings: Shuyin/Rikku, Shuyin/Yuna, Shuyin/Lenne, Auron/Lulu (The hotness of that is unreal), Paine/Rikku Kingdom Hearts: Sora/Kairi and Riku/Namine (That's it enough said) Final Fantasy 7/Advent Children: Cloud/Aerith, Tifa/Vincent(The hotness of that couple is unreal!) X-Men: Wolverine/Storm! (My OTP, wanted them and still want them!) Rogue/Gambit!(Enough said), Emma Frost/Scott (its more interesting than Scott/Jean, there I said it!) DC Comics: Superman/Wonder Woman (OTP! Enough said), Hawkgirl/GL ( OTP Of course no duh!) , Batman/me lol kidding. Batman belongs to the cat enough said. Bleach: Ichigo/Rukia(Enough said!), Kisuke/Yourichi Full Metal Alchemist: Ed(My dude for life!) Ed/Winry(That's it, enough said) Tenchi Muyo: Awesome as hell show! Ryoko(The only girl in the world that matters on that show) Then followed closely by Washu, Grandpa Yosho, Tenchi Pairings: Tenchi/Ryoko(That's it, enough said) Neon Genesis Evangelion: Rei(Awesome!) Misato-san!(Coolest Drunk ever!), Shinji, then Asuka Pairings: Misato/Shinji(I know she's older, way older but I dont care!), Shinji/Asuka Ruroni Kenshin/Samurai X: Kenshin is my main love! Who cares about others, lol, then Sanosuke Pairings: Kenshin/Tomoe, Kenshin/Karou Tekken: Jin!(Drools, so damn hot if he were real, dear lord pray for his ass if we ever met!) Nina Williams! (Awesome chick), Asuka Kazama, Hwaorang, Lily(I love that crazy, rich bitch), Julia, Steve Street Fighter: Ryu-kun! (Always fangirled him!) Ken, Chun-li(Who does not love this girl?), Cammy Pairing: Ryu/Chun-li Hellsing: ALUCARD!(Freaking amazing!) Blood Plus: Haji(That is all. He is it!) Diva(I always feel for the misunderstood whackjob!) Well, I could go nuts and spend all day writing about a bunch of shit that really doesnt matter lol but I wont. This is enough, anything else you all may want to know feel free to ask lol, if not enjoy my fics and thanks so so much for all the support and love. Yours Truly, The Maiden! XOXO. |