Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Hello lovers of fanfiction! My name is Brianna and I am 33-years-old. Here's a few things to know about me, regarding my stories and writing: Harry Potter fandom: I am obsessed with these books and cannot get enough of them. Therefore when my creativity flows it tends to be about the characters in Harry Potter. That's not to say I won't be around other places, it's just probably not likely. Ships: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, George/Luna (But also George/Angelina...I just adore Luna and George and have always thought since the 5th book that they would be a good match), and pretty much all the canon couples in Harry Potter. Although I will probably only write about the first three sets I listed for my stories. The Lily/Severus ship pretty much makes me want to vomit. I get it. Snape was in love with Lily and yeah, he did good by her in the end, but Lily was with James for a reason. I get really annoyed when people say; "How could James change so much that Lily fell in love with him" Well JKR knows and that's why she made them a couple, obviously. 4/19/2019: I am still here! I have recently found myself reading a TON of Glee fanfiction. It was one of my favorite shows for all six seasons it was aired. I am working on a few stories in regards to Glee that I will hopefully put up in due time. I am a Finchel shipper BUT I am also a Puckleberry shipper. Since we never got our fairy tale Finchel ending, and Finn didn't get the story he deserved, I find myself drawn to stories where Finn and Rachel lived happily ever after. With that respect, I cannot deny the intense chemistry Rachel and Puck had on the show as well. And so, if I ever do publish my Glee stories there will be both sets of ships. I also ship Brittany/Artie, Tina/Mike, Sam/Quinn, Quinn/Puck, Kitty/Roderick (That is a weird one that sort of came to me recently, Idk I just like them together), Kitty/Artie, Blaine/Kurt and Santana/Brittany, but I also LOVE Santana/Sebastian (if you haven't watched them do "Smooth Criminal" do it now, and tell me there wasn't something there). I haven't abandoned Harry Potter. I love JKR and these are her characters, but I don't like some of the things she has said since the series ended. I am NOT a fan of "The Cursed Child" so I suppose when I do write for Harry Potter again, it'll be AU. Okay my final thought: I'm not going to beg for reviews that's just sad but it annoys me that if people read my stories and favorite them that they cannot take the time to leave a review. You don't how much it means to someone, especially someone like myself who is just starting out, to leave a few words about a story. Obviously you liked it enough to favorite it, so...tell me why. Also, if you do read it without favoriting it, it still would be nice to hear from you! xoxoB |
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