Author has written 32 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Supernatural, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock, Leverage, White Collar, X-Men: The Movie, Avengers, Merlin, Forever, and Daredevil. Rockpaperscissor Hello everyone, RPS here. I enjoy long walks on the beach, exploring characters and keeping them true to themselves, as well as befuddling my readers. Hope you enjoy my stories! 3/4/10 - fanfiction's been wonky, so if you've sent me a message recently (or at any point really, I've no idea how long it's been) and haven't gotten a reply, please resend because I probably didn't get it! |
CaptainKase (16) DIY Sheep (40) K Hanna Korossy (671) Mijan (21) | Mikkeneko (149) Mirrordance (76) proantagonist (1) ridesandruns (25) | Robin4 (72) Silivren Tinu (28) tarysande (20) Tramontana Keeper (41) |