Updating this since it still says I'm 17 and I'm actually 23 now. Do not have any fan fiction right now as you can see but I do still read and review occasionally so figured I'd update this for people who are interested. My name is Brittany, I'm female, married graduated with a degree in Computer Science currently living in Michigan. I'm petite about 5'3 and 110 pounds (surprisingly less than when I was 17, though my muscle mass is now nonexistent), white, light brown hair, green eyes. I am a Christian with Jesus as Lord of my life. Feel free to message me about that if you want to know more or whatever I don't mind random messages. I'm also a vegetarian since I don't agree with factory farming if that interests you at all. Shameless plug for my husband if you are interested in hip-hop at all he does all his own music and currently has music up on iTunes, His website can be found at And if you are here because I've left a review feel free to message me back if you want to discuss further. I do hope I wasn't too harsh with any of you, I know some of those who use this site are fairly young but I do like to leave constructive reviews so that it can help you learn even if they aren't always as nice. Thanks for stopping by, Adios |