Author has written 11 stories for Inuyasha. Profile Update. Ok, so I just recently finished A Second Chance. Just to clarify once more, that story is completely done and will NOT have a sequel. Though if by chance someone wanted to do a sequel, that's all them. But at the moment, I'm setting my sights on completing Red Wine. : sweat drop: Though this might take some time to finish, cause just like A Second Chance, I've lost sight on my main goal. So, I guess I'll figure something out once I re-read it and what not. Umm...there will be thrown in one-shots here and there if I'm in the mood. There is a most chance there will be soon, since I have some ideas floating in my head that I want written. And also, I want to try my hand at other fictions besides Inuyasha. I've always wanted to write a Ouran High fic. Heheee... Ah yes...about NMCNMF sequel...yeeaaa...that could take some time, but I'll be sure to get to that soon after I'm finished with Red Wine. I promise you that readers. Hmmm...That's all I have to say at the moment, I guess. DG signing out and wishing her fans all the love for their support. |