Author has written 18 stories for DarkWing Duck, Escaflowne, Lord of the Rings, Titan A.E., Silmarillion, and Winnie-the-Pooh. My most recent FFN update: uploaded "Motherwood" on April 25, 2019. I write for myself, but I'll be honest: I love reviews and I try to respond to all of them. Hit counts are fabulous too, but sometimes the site statistics don't work and then I feel like I'm uploading into the void. If you read something I wrote and liked it - or disliked it! - I would be glad to hear from you. Orc-brat art and other eclectia. (thelauderdale .livejournal .com /366019 .html) I feel incredibly lucky to know the talented people that I do, and am intensely flattered they would take the time to draw - and in one case write about - these characters. Heaven forbid FFN allow people to include off-site links, but if you type in the parenthesized address you should be able to get to the post on my livejournal page. The Lauderdale's middleearthorcfic Bookmarks I have removed the link to my old middleearthorcfic bookmarks. Sadly, Delicious was bought out by another company, so I could no longer login or modify them anyway, and when last I visited the site looked as if it might pose a computer threat. I'm trying to keep up a private list that I may put up elsewhere some day, so please PM me if you want a copy. middleearthorcfic is a list of bookmarks for Middle-earth fanfiction in which Orcs are central or play an important role, with an aim at quantity over quality. Many good or excellent stories are listed, while others are moderately crappy to awful. Stories are tagged by author and rating, with additional tags for canon- or movie-Orc characters as needed. I'm a long-time Orc enthusiast and I have read a lot of fanfic over the years. If you are looking for recommendations, curious about an Orkish theme or type, or trying to track down that fanfic you remember with the Orc who (fill in the blank), let me know. Some Orc stories of particularly good quality or interest are listed in my community Here Be Orcs. |