![]() Author has written 29 stories for Castle. Welcome to Castle Season 9! All episodes are now complete. Thanks for reading! Episode 1: "Detente," by Trinity Everett and encantadaa Episode 2: "A Timely Demise" by The-KLF Episode 3: "Primary Suspect" by ipreferwestside Episode 4: "Fear Itself" by whatifellinlovewith Episode 5: "Fertile Ground for Murder" by Colie MacKenzie Episode 6: "No Laughing Matter" by alwayswritewithcoffee Episode 7: "Daddy Day Care" by ky03elk Episode 8: "Brothers in Arms" by inkycoffee and whatifellinlovewith Episode 9: "In Case of Emergency" by bunysliper Episode 10: "Rest, Relaxation, Murder" by bunysliper Episode 11: "Account for Murder" by jstar1382 Episode 12: "Deadlier than Fiction" by SeriesTherapy and Meg Moore Episode 13: "Thanatophobia" by rippedateveryedge and thebazilelord Episode 14: "Murder By Any Other Name" by acertainzest Episode 15: "A Deadly Mixup" by skygirl55 Episode 16: "Lost" by ipreferwestside Episode 17: "Found" by whatifellinlovewith Episode 18: "C is for Murder" by honeyandvodka Episode 19: "Lockdown" by SeriesTherapy and Trinity Everett Episode 20: "Ladykiller" by Meg Moore Episode 21: "What If?" by Colie MacKenzie Episode 22 / Season Finale: "Fearless" by acertainzest and encantadaa MOMENTS OF ALWAYS YOUR SEASON 9 WRITERS (real name / ffnet name / Tumblr / Twitter) Showrunner: Joan: acertainzest / acertainzest / @acertainzest Nic: ColieMacKenzie / nic6879 / @nic6879 L: encantadaa / encantadaa / @_encantadaa Jo: honeyandvodka / toparisbytrain / @honeyandvodka Lou: Inky Coffee / inkstainedcoffeecup / @InkyCoffee Lindsey: ipreferwestside / i-prefer-west-side / @ipreferwestside Jill: jstar1382 / jstar1382 / @jstar1382 Kylie: ky03elk / ky03elk / @ky03elk Meg: Meg Moore / castleincalifornia / @Castle_in_CA Rachel: rippedateveryedge / rickcastlefromthailand / @jerrytysons Cris: SeriesTherapy / seriestherapy / @seriestherapy Janet: skygirl55 / skygirl55 / @skygirl55 Ellie: thebazilelord / thebazilelord / @thebazilelord Katherine: The-KLF / takeiteasykate / @klff_ Cathey: Trinity Everett / bunysliper / @bunysliper Callie: whatifellinlovewith / whatifellinlovewith / @whatifellinlove Dee: alwayswritewithcoffee / alwayswritewithcoffee / @DeeAlwaysWrites ADDITIONAL PLANNERS L: encantadaa / encantadaa / @_encantadaa Alex: ivyandtwine / ivyandtwines / @ivyandtwines BETA/EDITING TEAM Joan: acertainzest / acertainzest / @acertainzest Amy: (no ffnet account) / amtepe / amtepe2 Alex: ivyandtwine / ivyandtwines / @ivyandtwines MOMENTS OF ALWAYS AUTHORS |