Author has written 178 stories for A-Team, Power Rangers, Wrestling, New York Undercover, Mighty Ducks, Ninja Turtles, Digimon, Baby Sitters Club, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Star Wars, Outsiders, Nightwing, Ultimate Marvel, Fantastic 4, Legion of Super Heroes, DC Superheroes, Young Justice, and Superboy.
A quote that fit Jules and my fic His Father's Son which has been changed a little but is given all credit to Vince McMahon and the person who wrote it:
Tonight is about control. Everything is about control. Tonight I will maintain control with Triple H, with Stephanie, with me. (Original quote has Big Show and Sable) I am the dream killer, the reaper of souls, the master pupeteer on this stage of fools. I am the only one that can see the big picture, the grand design. So take your bleeding heart somewhere else. Take your freak friend gimp with you. There's no room for either of you here. This isn't a charity house. This isn't a key club or and old age home. This is a company. This is my business. This is my life! I say what and who goes. I am the master of this house. I pull the strings around here. So I don't care who the hell you are, if you are in my way you will get taken out
Vince McMahon Vengence 7-27-03
Rest in peace Chris Benoit: Some of us still believe in you.
I'm a member of Why God Why if you don't like us tough. We are just trying to make fanfics better.
This section needed a major update! I'm 31 and have written 200 something fanfics. I have posted fics in Power Rangers, New York Undercover, X-Files, A-Team, Starsky and Hutch (can only be found at BCL), the Mighty Duck Movies, Digimon, and Ninja Turtles. I'm attempting to write fics in the following genre's: Batman, X-Men, and Sunset Island Series (Which is by Cherie Bennett)
More stuff about me:
My latest fanfic craze is the Mighty Duck Movies. Everyone that posts here under that are such great authors! I couldn't even begin to list them all! Which I'm contemplating taking a break from the list because I posted something really stupid. It has to do with my recent problem with slash fics.
Power Ranger fans that read my stories: I swear The Defenders Saga will eventually be finished. Just not right now.
My favorite Ducks:
Favorite wrestlers as wrestlers (On TV)
Chavito Guerrero
Stevie Richards
Christopher Daniels
Favorite wrestlers to put through angst:
CHris Benoit
Shane McMahon
Matt Hardy
Ric Flair
Finished ficS:
A Plan Gone Bad (A-Team)
Alexis’s song (Power Rangers)
And Then A Hero Comes Along (A-Team)
Awakening (A-Team)
Back to Green (Power Rangers)
Before and After (Power Rangers)
Breaking Point (Mighty Ducks MOvies)
Captive (Power Rangers)
Catch Me I'm Falling (Mighty DUcks)
Crash (Power Rangers)
Crying (A-Team)
Dangerous Situation (Power Rangers )
Don’t Go (Power Rangers)
Falling Down (A-Team)
Falling OUt of Reach (Mighty Ducks Movies)Friends With the Enemy (Mighty DUcks MOvies)
Friendship Ends (Mighty Ducks Movies)Getting Away (A-Team)
Goodbye My Love (New York Undercover)
Graduation Day (Power Rangers)
Happy Valentines Day Baby (A-Team)
Heart of Stone (Power Rangers)
I Have Them Too (A-Team)
I Watch (Wrestling)
Independence (A-Team)
It's Just My Day Job (Power Rangers)
The JOy of Winning (Mighty Ducks Movies)
Living with the Decision (A-Team)
Losing My Best Friend (New York Undercover)
Losing White (Power Rangers)
Lost Coin (Power Rangers)
Memories Are Made of These...sort of (Mighty Ducks Movies)
Message to a Mother (Power Rangers)
My Opinion of the A-Team (A-Team)
Never Let Them See You’re Hurt
Phone Calls (Wrestling)
Protectors of Space (Power Rangers)
Psycho Problems (Power Rangers)
Rabbit Jack’s Meets the A-Team (A-Team)
School Daze (Mighty Ducks Movies)
Standing THere (Mighty Ducks Movies)
Stay With Me (A-Team getting a major rewrite)
Surprises (Power Rangers)
Switching Places (Power Rangers)
Tea (Power Rangers)
Thank You For the Memories (Wrestling)
The Defenders Series (Power Rangers)
The Evil Game (Power Rangers)
The Forgotten Duck (Mighty Ducks Movies)
The Jazz is Gone (A-Team)
The Reunion Series (Power Rangers)
The Test of Friendship (Mighty Ducks Movies)
Trouble in Florida (Power Rangers)
True Colors (Power Rangers)
Walk Through Fire (Power Rangers)
When the Sun Comes up Tomorrow (Mighty Ducks Movies)
When You Say Nothing at All (X-Files)
Why Am I Here? (A-Team)
Why is This Happening (A-Team)
Without Reservations at a Glance (A-Team)
You Never Asked (Wrestling)
Zeo Disaster (Power Rangers)