Author has written 19 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Naruto, Stargate: Universe, and Dragon Age. My name is Ray, and I write stories about characters I don’t own for absolutely no money at all. I’d think I was insane, but there seems to be thousands of folks just like me. Which, frankly, I’m not quite sure is a good thing. But even if it isn’t, at least there’s plenty for me to read.I write Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic, with my stories tending to focus on Xander. He’s a great character. Not that I don’t love all the other characters though, each one brings something truly wonderful to the World that Joss Built. Relationship wise, I am and will always be a huge BXer; although, you probably wouldn’t really know it from reading a few of my stories. Bottom line, I love Buffy and Xander’s interaction with each other, even if it’s not romantic. I do of course write about other relationships, and for the most part keep an open mind about them. I don’t outwardly denounce any one ship, but I do comment on them in my stories, presenting them the way I believe they’re represented on screen. Obviously, not everyone is going to agree with me… But that’s just the way life goes sometimes. I have won two BX awards for my efforts. The first was “Best PWP Award” for my story Nonsense. The other was the BX Author Award "For Author Who Offers the Most Realistic Portrayal of Characters.” I am extremely proud of each, and would like to share the credit with both Lori Bush and Ozmandayus: two amazing authors who have inspired and guided me in the past. Not all of my stories can be found here in due to their stance on Mature fiction. But they can be found on my brand-spanking new website, created by the wonderfully talented author Joanne W. The sweetheart practically gave it to me. And I still think it’s the coolest Christmas gift a guy could ever receive. So thanks a lot, Jo. I giddily accept all questions, comments and critiques, and do my best to respond to all those who send me feedback via my personal e-mail. Well, read, try to have some fun, forgive me my mistakes and if you’re in any position to sue me for the content of anything I’ve written… Remember, I write stories about characters I don’t own for absolutely no money at all. I have a really good shot at the insanity plea. |
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