Author has written 20 stories for Twilight. Hello there! I am Ciara Shaye, 27 years old, and an avid reader and writer from England. I have a Dalmatian named Dakota; he's my little prince. I love all things Twilight, which took me a long time to admit, and I may have a slight (ok, a MAJOR) Lucozade addiction. These things aside, my main passion in life is writing and I'm constantly working on some project or another, most of which never see the light of day. Anyways, I won't bore you, but please know that I'm eternally grateful for your interest and I hope you'll enjoy my stories as much as I enjoy writing them! Love xoxo I have a Facebook group page, CiaraShayee's Subconscious, and I'm on Facebook as Ciara Shayee so if you want to socialise and chit-chat with me, please come join us there! I'd love to 'meet' you and hear your thoughts :) December 16th, 2018 - Pinky Promises goes live on the Kindle store! ~ oOo ~ Pinky Promises - Voted TwiFanfictionRecs' TOP Fanfiction completed in September 2017! also - Voted TwiFanfictionRecs' 3rd Place Fanfiction completed in 2017! Neapolitan - WINNER of the Whiplash Award in the Carlisle Uncovered Contest - April 2017 Will You Love Me Tomorrow - Voted TwiFanfictionRecs' 4th Place Fanfiction completed in January 2018 Running For Their Lives - for TFNs Non-Canon Contest May 2018 - 1st Place Judges Vote, 2nd Place Public Vote, Give Me More Award, Judge's Pick (AnakinsMom), Judge's Pick (HoneymoonEdward), ValidatorValChoice (OnlyInValhalla), and Emergency Beta's Choice (Monica03) Under The Willows - Voted 1st Place in the Fic Dive of the Month for October, November, and December 2019 on A Different Forest |