Author has written 10 stories for Throne of Glass series, A Court of Thorns and Roses, and Dragon Age. A list of facts for your enjoyment: Chickens are ghostly rainbows, remember. That doesn't make sense. I don't make any sense. Mantras are not my thing. I like writing and drawing and painting and music and sculpting and drama and...yeah. But especially writing. I do not know what the heck I am doing when I write. I do not like Trump, but I want him to be president just so I can say "Hey, remember when Trump was president?" and then laugh hysterically. I don't have a good track record with pets. Terrible hairball-hacking cat given to shelter. Her litter of kittens...well, either thrown in the woods or left in the house, not sure which. Guinea pig-given away. The rabbits the breeder told me were both female were at it all night. Long story short, three very stinky, very loud litters of babies. All given away know, moving and stuff. Dog-gave away because he kept peeing on the carpet. Hermit crabs-both died of cold. Chinchilla-died of cold. Cat-eaten by hawk. Cat-stolen. Cat-given to shelter. Gerbils-given away. Hamsters-given away. Elephant— Yeah, okay, that last one isn't true, but all the rest are. I need to go feed the cat. --Arya |