Author has written 35 stories for Dungeons and Dragons, ThunderCats, Press Gang, Misc. Tv Shows, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Red Dwarf, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Lost, and Sherlock. Hello, and welcome to my gloriously attractive and special Profile Page! My name is Random Scribbles. (It isn't really.) I'm female, British, horribly old and haggard, and I like writing stuff. I have a tendency to torture my favourite characters and to make things up as and when it suits me. I also tend not to take things completely seriously - if there's a cheap gag to be made, I'll make it. Fun, puns and a helluvalotta Schadenfreude - that's just the Scribbles Way. I like bastards, outsiders, dorky friendships, snarky love/hate relationships and spooky stuff. I like sneaking horribly obscure cultural references into my stories, and like it even more when people pick up on them. If you're reading my D&DC stuff, the first nine of the New Adventures are up on Scrib-Lit; my LJ fic-archive (link on my profile), along with some Original Fiction. I do this because it amuses me. If it amuses you too, that makes me extra happy. Enjoy! Scribbles A Public Service Announcement: Planned delays on the Scribbles Line - UPDATE I've had the kid! Life is indeed busy with a toddler & a newborn - sleep is scarce, free time even more so - but I do get the odd hour here and there to write. Updates will be slower than usual for a while, but the good news (or bad, depending on your opinion of me) is that I'm working on them and will have them up eventually. Oh! And the new Rollercoaster avatar's by my friend Bibsy. Nice, innit? |