![]() *TO WISH IMPOSSIBLE THINGS...* NAME: Monica Want to credit fellow NP fan Leijona for the NP icon which she let me use...thanks honey!! :) I don't write fics, so I had started making vids as my contribution to the fandoms...lol... Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/cabot007 My BACK UP Account (for vids YT wont let me upload..lol) can be found here: http://bamvidvault./profile/Monica85 FAVORITES: MUSIC: I love so many different types of music, it'd be impossible to name them all...so I'll just put a few: Fall Out Boy, Snow Patrol, Florence The Machine, Eminem, Ingrid Michaelson, Foxes, Adele, Kelly Clarkson, Kings of Leon, OneRepublic, The Fray, Foo Fighters, Radiohead, Dashboard Confessional, Fun., Green Day, Jay-Z, Beastie Boys, 7Lions, Gotye, Foster the People, AWOLNATION, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, Amy Winehouse, Audioslave, Otis Redding, Missy Elliott, Matt Nathanson, Lady GaGa, INXS, Nirvana, The Cure, The Who, Tears for Fears, Augustana, Jimmy Eat World, Linkin Park, Sara Bareilles, Nikki & Rich, Gym Class Heroes, Kanye West, Meghan Tonjes..to name a few...lol TV SHOWS: Some shows aren't on the air anymore, but I still love them & enjoy watching them (whether DVD's or syndication or whatever) South Park, Doctor Who, Psych, House, NCIS, Louie, Seinfeld, Sports Night, Curb Your Enthusiasm, the CSI-universe, any/all Gordon Ramsay shows (both UK & US versions...Kitchen Nightmares, etc...), Community, Top Gear (U.K. version w/Clarkson,May & Hammond only), Life as We Know It, Family Guy, OTH, Gossip Girl, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, L&O-verse, "I Love the..." series on VH1, tennis matches, Baseball games (Go Yankees!..what can I say? I'm a NYC girl lol), Football games,Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Fallon, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, The Soup, any comedy specials (or Friday Night stand up) on Comedy Central, the Food network and/or The Cooking Channel..lol... COUPLES I SHIP: I tend to ship UC and/or AU couples...or couples that tend to lean towards being UC (in that they're not really a majority even if they had actually happened for a short period) or that they are definitely AU..I don't know why exactly, but that's what I do. Some couples I ship may be CC...but mostly they're not...lol. And it's hard sometimes cause fanfic is the only way to settle my fixes...though watching fanvids also helps..lol. However, since some of my ships aren't as popular, it' s harder to find stuff...lol. But I keep looking for others like me...lol. Also, as something that runs on my shipping more UC/less popular tendencies (for most part...lol), I also have a big soft spot for xovers lol...which is obviously even harder to find than the UCs of 1 fandom lol...oh well, what can i do? ;) lol *OTH: NATHAN/PEYTON (THEY ARE MY #1 SHIP OVERALL FOR THIS SHOW...everything else is after that, tying for 2nd. But NP is my #1 main love...lol. Them above all others of my ships...lol. My other ships are: Lucas/Haley, Lucas/Brooke, Julian/Peyton, Nathan/Lindsey (I actually like Lindsey, while also loving Peyton..lol, and yes this is like my VERY UC ship...lol...but I stand by it...lol), Jake/Haley, Jake/Brooke, Julian/Brooke, Chris/Haley, Chris/Peyton, Lucas/Lindsey, Nathan/Taylor, Chase/Brooke, Mouth/Brooke, Nathan/Rachel LIKE AS FRIENDS ONLY (DO NOT SHIP ROMANTICALLY): NATHAN/BROOKE, NATHAN/HALEY, JAKE/PEYTON, LUCAS/PEYTON *DOCTOR WHO: 10/Martha, 10/Amy, 11/Martha, Rory/Amy, Jack/Martha FRIENDSHIP, Doctor/Jack FRIENDSHIP, 10/Martha/Jack FRIENDSHIP (tho the Doctor/Martha angle would be romantic,as I'm 10Martha shipper lol), 11/Amy FRIENDSHIP, 11/Amy/Rory FRIENDSHIP, 9/Rose, Jack/River would be epic fun..lol.., 9/River The 9th Doctor was the one I first saw, and will always love & have soft spot for. LOVED the 10th Doctor of course.. and also LOVE the 11th. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MATT SMITH & DAVID TENNANT...and not to mention ARTHUR DARVILL...lol (have the biggest of crushes on them in whole wide world...lol...the 3 of those DW guys...sigh..lol *Don't have a FAVORITE in terms of the fact that each actor had different portrayal & things they brought to table. Not to mention different material/storylines to work with...lol. ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM ALL..:) Different quirks, slight different traits...but still same awesome character...lol...afterall, he's The Doctor...lol *VARIOUS DW X-over ships I LOVE: DW/BtVS X-overs: 11/Buffy (REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE THIS IDEA...lol), 10/Buffy DW/OTH X-overs: 11/Peyton (REALLY love this idea too...lol); 10/Peyton (also REALLY love..lol), 9/Brooke, 9/Haley, 11/Haley, Rory/Haley, Jack/Brooke DW/TheOC xovers: 11/Marissa, 10/Marissa, Rory/Summer, 11/Summer, Amy/Seth *PSYCH: SHAWN/GUS FRIENDHIP, Lassiter/Juliet, Lassiter/Vick (very UC I know...lol. But am big fan...and will stand by it..lol), Shawn/Lassiter--NON-SLASH WAY (I just luv their interaction on the show;Always makes me lol), Shawn/Gus/Juliet friendship, Shawn/Abigail (I liked 'em well enough), Lassiter/Abigail (yes, another VERY VERY UC idea..lol...)...& really, I just love ALL the characters & the whole show in general really. It's awesome!! :) *HOUSE: HOUSE/WILSON FRIENDSHIP, WILSON/CUDDY (my romantic ship since day 1 to the end of show lol..always was, & will be a Wuddy fan lol), Chase/Remy ('13'), Chase/Martha (yes,UC I know lol), Wilson/Cameron, House/Remy ('13'), House/Cuddy FRIENDSHIP (of sorts if u call it that...I just liked their relationship PLATONIC lol), House/Wilson/Cuddy FRIENDSHIP, Chase/Cuddy (my VERY UC ship..lol), Foreman/Chase FRIENDSHIP, Chase/Adams, House/Chase/13/Taub/Foreman (The NEW TEAM) INTERACTION!; House/Chase/Foreman/Cameron (The OLD TEAM) INTERACTION!! *NCIS: McGEE/ZIVA, TONY/MCGEE FRIENDSHIP, Tony/Abby, Tony/Kate, Gibbs/Jenny, McGee/Kate...just love ALL of the NCIS gang & their interaction! :) *GOSSIP GIRL: CHUCK/SERENA (my #1 ship overall for this show), CHUCK/VANESSA, DAN/VANESSA, NATE/VANESSA FRIENDSHIP (strictly platonic), NATE/SERENA, NATE/BLAIR, LILY/RUFUS, NATE/CHUCK/SERENA/BLAIR FRIENDSHIP, Dan/Serena FRIENDSHIP (strictly platonic), *THE OC: RYAN/SUMMER, SETH/MARISSA, RYAN/SETH FRIENDSHIP, MARISSA/SUMMER FRIENDSHIP, RYAN/SETH/MARISSA/SUMMER FRIENDSHIP *CSI MIAMI: Ryan/Natalia, Eric/Calleigh..I also like Horatio/Yelina...and while I like RN & EC, I also kinda liked Eric/Natalia too (though its kinda close second to RN & EC)...and if E/N aren't together, I can honestly say I LOVE THEM AS FRIENDS& THE FRIENDSHIP THEY HAVE...lol *CSI NY: Adam/J.Angell, Danny/J.Angell, Flack/Stella, Flack/Lindsay, Danny/Stella, Mac/Jo, Mac/Stella, Hawkes/Lindsay, Hawkes/Stella *Other Ships: Jess/Paris, Tristan/Rory, Luke/Lorelai, Lane/Dave (GILMORE GIRLS); Casey/Dana, Dan/Natalie, Dan/Dana, Casey/Natalie (SPORTS NIGHT), Peter/Niki (Heroes), Alex/April, Alex/Meredith, Owen/Addison {yes a VERY UC, and now a X-over ship lol} (Grey's), Lex/Lana (Smallville), Bender/Allison (The Breakfast Club movie), *VARIOUS X-OVER SHIPS I LIKE: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Angel)/Heroes X-over Ships: Peter/Buffy, Angel/Nikki, Nathan/Cordelia, Mohinder/Fred OTH/Heroes: Peter/Peyton, Lucas/Claire, Nathan/Claire, Lucas/Elle, Nathan/Elle, Sylar/Brooke, Sylar/Haley OTH/Gilmore Girls: Jess/Peyton, Nathan/Rory, Jake/Rory, Lucas/Rory (tho given CMM played Tristan...lol), Dave/Haley, Dean/Brooke, Dave/Brooke, Dean/Haley OTH/GOSSIP GIRL: NATHAN/SERENA, LUCAS/BLAIR, CHUCK/PEYTON, DAN/PEYTON, NATE/BROOKE, NATE/HALEY, NATHAN/JENNY, CHUCK/RACHEL, JULIAN/SERENA, DAN/HALEY, LUCAS/VANESSA OTH/THE OC: NATHAN/MARISSA, SETH/PEYTON, LUCAS/SUMMER, RYAN/BROOKE, RYAN/HALEY, SETH/BROOKE GOSSIP GIRL/THE OC: CHUCK/MARISSA, NATE/SUMMER, SETH/SERENA, RYAN/BLAIR, DAN/SUMMER CSI/OTH X-over Ships: GREG/PEYTON (LUV THEM!!); Nick/Brooke CSI NY/OTH X-over Ships: ADAM/PEYTON (LUV THEM); Flack/Brooke, Danny/Brooke, Flack/Haley, Danny/Haley, Lucas/Lindsay, Nathan/J. Angell CSI MIAMI/OTH X-over Ships: RYAN/PEYTON, ERIC/BROOKE CSI NY/CSI MIAMI X-OVER Ships: Ryan/Jess Angell, Eric/Stella, Flack/Calleigh, Danny/Natalia, Eric/Lindsay, Mac/Calleigh L&O-verse: Bobby Goren (L&O CI)/Olivia Benson (L&O SVU) |