Author has written 32 stories for Trigun, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Sandman, Big Wolf on Campus, Witchblade, Andromeda, X-Files, Fight Club, Charmed, John Doe, West Wing, Farscape, House, M.D., Doctor Who, Life on Mars, Firefly, Dresden Files, Ergo Proxy, Supernatural, X-Men: The Movie, and Misc. Movies.
Name: Irena
Fic Journal: Other Worlds:
(includes slash and adult material)
Current occupation: Non-profit activist and occasional bartender
Fandoms: I change fandoms like I change underwear. You've been warned.
First Place, Outstanding Drabble, 2003 Jeds: http:///winners2003.html
Just posted:
All Made of Stardust - Supernatural/Doctor Who. That one story where it turns out Castiel has a fobwatch.
Pieces of You. The Island (2005). From Yuletide 2010. An attempt at character development in a Michael Bay film.
Meta-Sexual. X-Men: First Class, with special guest stars Cable & Deadpool. Metalicious meta with a side of meta.
Coming soon (theoretically):
Dawn - Trigun/Buffy crossover. Last of the Night trilogy. Outline complete. Seriously, still working on it. I'm not lying!
If I ever get my act together:
Various X-Men: First Class fics, mostly prompt based.
Various White Collar fics.
The-as-yet-unnamed-sequel-to-One-Night-Stand - Trigun/Highlander crossover. In which there is much swordplay.
As-yet-unnamed Doctor Who/Quantum Leap crossover. Two time traveling super heroes for the price of one.
Two original novels. Also, really, I mean it!
Recommendation(s) of the moment:
The Legend of Korra - I'd been wary of this sequel, but the first two episodes where absolutely fantastic, with a couple things (specifically the music and fight choreography) even improving upon the original.