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Joined 08-05-16, id: 8136892, Profile Updated: 02-09-20

Hello ~~~ First thing... My name is victoria and im from a small town called Itanaghar in the state of Arunachal Pradasd... My hobbies are listening music, singing, drawing (sketch and paintings), cooking, watching anime and carton playing with my puppys and reading fanfictions... Im basically a couch/bed potat, not and out going person I can't say what my fav anime is because i watch them all but to be fair i love

  • Fairy tail
  • Beelzebub
  • My teen romantic comedy SNAFU
  • Kuroshitsuj

  • I'm a huge fan of YAOI.. i just can't get enough of them..Lol..

    I love yaoi anime like..

  • Junjou romantica

  • Viewfinder

  • Sekiichi hatsukoi

  • Yuri on ice..

  • I'm a fan of tv shows and couple alike..But not into it so much like I'm in anime..

    I love korean drama, and kpop music


    and blackpink, twice, f(x), jessica jung, big bang...

    I hope that my stories would be up to your liking and expectations...

    Thanks and have a nice day..

    Vaerin7 (70)