Author has written 10 stories for Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, and Mario. Status:'s been a while. Since 2009 actually lol. Well now I'm edumacated and earned one of them engineering degrees and got me a wonderful job. Is that a good enough reason? I don't know if anyone will still be with me but I am currently working to finish Identity Crisis. I'm also planning to go through the chapters currently posted and fix up any grammar issues that were missed before and see what I can do about making some of the dialogue flow better. I won't be changing anything major though. I am really excited. What brought me back was a period of depression brought about by my own silliness. I overwhelmed myself and didn't leave time just to relax. Basically my evenings after work were going places and doing things (which is great because I got involved in aikido and a pole dance fitness class to sort of take a break from running), but then I crashed and burned. It didn't help that I could only see my boyfriend on the weekends and my family is a ways a way. So I rediscovered fanfiction and it has since made a difference. I can now sleep at night without waking up in a horrible panic. Ok, my boyfriend helped me get through this more but fanfiction is serving its purpose especially since I only see him on the weekends while he's finishing up his degree. It's a fun hobby and it allows me just to relax and go at it. I finished chapter 10 for IC but I want to get the other chapters typed up to make sure this is where I want it to go. My goal is to update within a few months. Yes, I know we've all heard that before lol, but I shouldn't have any major life changes over the next few months. It's amazing how much has changed about me, but then that's called life. Then again, there's still plenty that's the same because I am still me. Either way I updated my profile a little bit. So now fanfiction writing time :) ...or bed time since it's kind of late and I have work tomorrow lol. Before my sister (my twin sister, actually) got her own account on this site I posted these fics on mine for her and they are: The eight fics written by me so far are: Feel free to call me Blondie, if you would. I’m a 22 year old that loves action movies, video games, and cottage cheese. I ran cross country and track at the high school and collegiate level. Recently I’ve taken a short break from running now that I’ve graduated to explore other activities. Aikido has turned out to be a lot of fun and so has pole dancing (fitness class…). I come from a big family that I love very much and generally I’m a nice person…at least, I hope, lol. I always review fanfiction I read, and as you can see by my review count I posted above, I’ve actually read a good bit. If I can give advice I give it…if not, well, I put down whatever I think of the fic, though sometimes with some rambling thrown in : ) I love the superhero movies and Chris Hemsworth as Thor is just dreamy. Would I really want a guy with that much muscle? Nope, but it doesn’t mean I can’t admire him. The Mummy I would say is still my favorite movie though. Why? Because I think Racheln Weisz is fantastic. Other favorites are Disney movies like Mulan and Hercules. I am also in love with Wreck It Ralph and Frozen (I love Idina Menzel and her voice for Wicked is what really got me hooked in the first place. I did go see the musical live though with a different actress of course). Favorite authors include Michael Crichton (he wrote Jurrassic Park, though my favorite books by him are either Timeline or State of Fear) and Robert Ludlum. Otherwise I really enjoyed The Hunger Games, The Seven Realms novels, and Lord of the Rings and I’m sure there are plenty more I could list off. Generally I enjoy Science Fiction and Fantasy books. As far as music tastes nowadays go, I have a variety of interests. Of course there’s Disney music, but my favorite band is Marianas Trench (especially their songs Stutter and Desperate Measures). My current phase, I am almost ashamed to admit, is K$sha. I’ve gone through some weird music phases but I used to never think I could like her music. Never say never apparently…I love me some Shania Twain, Foreigner, and Styx as well. My angry song is by The Offspring called You’re Gonna Go Far Kid. I don’t know if you can really call that angry though considering the upbeat tempo though lol. Generally I’m not a fan of rap or screamo…If you like bagpipes you should listen to March of Cambreadth by Heather Alexander. Now that is an excellent pump up song. Current favorite TV shows are Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Arrow, Bones, and Continuum. Favorite video games are of course Legend of Zelda (I tend to base my fics around Ocarina of Time era), Metroid Prime, Halo, and Tales of Symphonia. I can’t say I liked Halo 4 much though. I recently acquired the Nintendo 64 from my parents which is awesome because I’ve been playing Majora’s Mask. I once had the dream of becoming an author, on the side of my future career if I could manage it, but now I’m pretty sure I don’t want to go anywhere near that. I love writing fanfiction, more so than original works, because I love the video game characters more than my own. Reviews have often made my days and that’s why I submit one for everything I read. I know how much a review can mean, no matter how insignificant the words may seem to its submitter, so I am set in my ways as far as that goes and normally I’ll try to return favors by reading the fics of those that read mine, though sometimes I’m a bit shy when it comes to other people returning the favor to me, especially when I know their writing far exceeds my own. I appreciate it of course, but I never want anyone to feel obligated to read my writings so I would certainly never ask or expect someone to. I love constructive criticism, though, so don’t ever back off from giving me any. My dad and my older brothers, being my only older siblings, had a lot of influence on me growing up so that would explain my not so girly-girlness. It was a long time after my dad remarried before I would even consider wearing a skirt without shuddering, and now I’ve got several in my closet along with some dresses lol. Since I'm into the Legend of Zelda fandom and there's a lot of relationship pairing disagreements, I think I might as well address the issue. If I include a pairing in my story, then it is LinkxZelda. I have absolutely nothing against the other pairings whatsoever so long as they are not guyxguy or girlxgirl since I have no interest in that. To me, Malon is too much of a complete character for me to write with-she's got that cute, country attitude-and it's not something I feel like I can work with to fit the plot lines I invent. Now, she might be more like me (not that I have a cute personality), but I just don't know. Yeah, Zelda's a princess, properness included and all that, but I feel freer to expand on her personality a bit. Plus, a commoner like Link falling for royalty makes for more twists in that direction (clichéd as that is). Really it's all just personal preference, and mostly I go off of the Ocarina of Time version of the two because it’s what I’m definitely familiar with. I know this is really embarrassing, but my sister and I used to enact the Zelda characters from that game, after having watched my brothers play it so much, with our stuffed animals. After the Barbie stage, stuffed animals were our passion and we had tons! At our young age, we just concluded that the princess and the hero should be together and old habits die pretty hard. We also gave Link like a hundred sisters (don't ask me how that one worked out, lol) but we had our little adventures in the good old days. Anyways, though, I love the other pairings just as much as LinkxZelda, but only in the stories of other people. o.o; Dedication to other authors: Jupiter-Lightning, one of my very best friends, who guided me to this site, writes awesome Kingdom Heart fanfiction. I’ve never played the game, but I feel like an expert because of everything she’s told me and from her wonderful stories. I have watched her play it though. Sometimes I’d convince her to drag her PS2 to my house, lol, though I guess I’ve fought Riku at the beginning with a wonderful wooden sword, but I don’t think that really counts as playing. Her newest fic, A Tale of Two Newbies, is downright hilarious as she targets the common horridness that seems to be plaguing the Kingdom Hearts section lately including Mary-Sues, icky plot lines, and bad grammar! :D My twin sister, da marshmallow, writes great random humor. I don’t know where she comes up with the stuff, but I’ve also been privileged to read a Zelda humor fic she’s working on that I think will turn out great. She’s definitely always good for a laugh, especially if you need someone to make fun of. :P lol, just kidding, though her stuff really is funny. Now, I can’t pick a favorite of my favorites, but these awesome writers are amazing and if I could list ‘em all at once I would, but yay for random non-particular, I’ll go with alphabetical, order! lol. Cloudrunner Sparty: I actually stumbled over his stuff very recently and everything is so well written and awesome, how could I not be impressed? I was blown away, it’s that good. The best part? It just keeps getting better. :) Nova Flame: Took forever and a day to update :P but wow, he’s an amazing writer and I will forever love his awesome fics. That’s right. For-e-ver…Just pretend it was the Sandlot kid saying that last part and my totally pathetic attempt at humor will make sense, lol. Major props go out to this guy! The Wallflower: Sure it’s been a while, but he wrote some incredibly Mega Man/Zelda crossover fics, the original and a sequel, both are completed, and oh my gosh they were just incredible. I really wasn’t all that into Mega Man, I’ve really only seen a few of the earlier episodes, but he made me love the character, and of course you can never go wrong with Link. :D Unfinished Song: I haven’t read lots of Tales of Symphonia fanfiction on this site even though I love the game tons, but wow. I love this author’s fic! My sister actually discovered her talents while in her boredom she went and searched for something good to read. She thought the fic was awesome, so I was quite happy to read this recommendation—and I’m glad I did! I think this thing is getting a little too long, especially since no one will probably read it anyways, so I’ll end this here. Well, here’s hoping you like my fics or will consider stopping by to read one of them! I’m a pretty weird person, so hopefully I didn’t scare anyone off. :) -blondie91 Favorite Bible verses: “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear for I will help you.” –Isaiah 41:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13 |
Alex Hemming (2) Captain Wallace (0) da marshmallow (2) dream.sequins (3) Emeralddestiny (2) Frogster (22) | Hopeless Maiden (5) I Am Sparty (5) Jupiter-Lightning (11) Lany08 (2) LuvinAniManga (28) | Nova Flame (3) sakume (16) SerinaGyrfalc (7) Shadow of Link (9) The Wallflower (21) Tiki-Torch (0) |
Community: | Sunset on Lake Hylia |
Focus: | Games Legend of Zelda |