Author has written 5 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Mechwarrior/Battletech, and Buffy X-overs. Okay, here's the full screed. My name's Danyel; I'm male and 30. When the writer's block lets me write at all, I work in the fandoms of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer', 'BattleTech' and 'Space: Above and Beyond', albeit with a strong AU/military twist. I'm a New Zealander who can't even comprehend rugby, much less play it. I read a lot, especially Tom Clancy, Michael Stackpole, Richard Marcinko, Stephen King, 2000AD comics(!) and David Weber (and I cannot recommend that last writer highly enough). I'm a cynic by experience, yet still a romantic by nature. I believe in the human race even as its excesses appal me. I believe in both free will and fate. I attend no church and say no prayers, yet believe that something divine is out there. Puzzled yet? I know I am. :-) |
chris dee (66) | Jewls13 (23) | M. Scott Eiland (193) |