Author has written 6 stories for Bleach, Harry Potter, Silicon Valley, and Game of Thrones. New Writer! Be Gentle! Update 02-01-2020 So a lot of you guys have been asking me about An Immortals Vacation. About when and if its going to be updated. The truth is once I lost those 5 chapters and then I saw Season 8 finale, my muse committed suicide. I have the outline prepared but I just can't gather the motivation to continue writing it now. I have already written another chapter and in future when my muse resurrects itself, I will start writing again. Though I wont post anything until at least I have written 10 chapters. I am not abandoning it, but it is on indefinite hiatus. Right now I am working on and almost finished writing the Silicon Valley SI story - The Rise of Richard Hendricks I have also been working on Bad Ass HP Time Travel Story, but it still has a long way to go and I won't post anything till I have written the end. I am also working on a Nevile SI story as a part of HP universe. As far as contemplation goes, I am either thinking about a Joffrey SI or a Robert SI but I haven't put any words to paper yet. So... Anyways, Right now my focus is on Silicon Valley story which I intend to complete before starting any other project. |
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