![]() Author has written 8 stories for Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Star Wars, X-overs, Pacific Rim, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Nier, Senran Kagura/閃乱カグラ, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. I am your average Brazilian user/aspiring writer in the FanFiction site. I just try to write whatever comes into my mind. It usually involves crossovers.
Things I learned in writing stories: 1. Have fun! That's the most important when it comes to writing stories! If you enjoy writing your own stories, the effects will be the same for the readers. 2. Always welcome harsh yet helpful criticisms! But if you receive nothing but bashing and unhelpful comments, ignore it and just continue what you doing. But if the unhelpful comments went too far, it's time for you to make a stand. 3. Face on every hurdle on the way! No matter how high the top is, if you have the determination and the heart to continue, you can reach the top! 4. If you and another author share the same set of your stories, never take advantage of one another, never hinder another one's stories, never make decisions that would trouble the other. If you wanna share an idea or help, talk to each other, express your opinions to one another, that is much better than doing things without the other's consent. 5. Don't be delusional. It's fine if you wanna insert yourself in your own stories but always remember that there's a fine line between fiction and reality. 6. Always cherish the people who supported your stories. Some rules I found on Kamen Rider Chrome's profile. Fanfiction Failure Metarules for Writers Things to look out for as an author to help you win more than failing at fanfiction. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #1-- Readers will absolutely love a completed work but will invariably pick apart and inadvertently attempt to destroy it if given a hand in its creation. Be especially wary of open forums and chat channels in this regard as they usually have opinionated folks who haven't ever written anything or anything in nearly forever. Either has a healthy self-image or screen your pre-readers carefully to avoid this failure. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #2-- The phrase "...that's just another excuse to (plot device)." indicates you are dealing with a person of below average insight as to how fiction is written. These people should not be allowed to influence your work in any way because everything is a means to an end and is therefore "an excuse" to achieve that end. For example; "...(plot device) is just another excuse to lock Ranma as a girl." This is an empty statement attempting to hide behind factual expertise; a bludgeon used by particular readers that don't get their way or don't approve of your plot. It contains no value beyond personal opinion and should, therefore, be treated as such. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #3-- There is no impossible in fanfiction. Every once in a while you'll run into that anal-retentive plot nazi that will say it simply can't be done like that. It doesn't matter what 'that' is because 'it' simply can't be done and they are, of course, the foremost authority on such matters. Normally this advisement is made by people that don't know they're closet creativity thieves; people who don't realize that their favorite series usually has either plot holes you can drive a death star through or that same series has Lucky God martial Artists, Flying airships, and springs of drowned Asura-zebra-octopi-phoenix-yeti-bulls. Sadly, their disagreements usually come down to little more than the opinion of what is in reality- say it with me -magical bullshit. As such, these people should be given as little creative share in your work as possible. All that said, there is a difference between the broken ideology of "can't be done" and the more realistic "shouldn't be done". Consult the Rules of Fanfiction Failure for a head start on those. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #4-- "It's been done before!" is never an excuse not to do it again. Some of the best works you will ever read in fanfiction "have been done before" and it's still amazing how these will be the first words out of reader's mouths when running an idea past them- even though they absolutely HAVE to know somewhere in the back of their mind that this is an empty statement because half the fics they enjoy "have been done before". Don't take this one personally. It's reflex. Smile, nod, and continue writing anyway with Rule of Fanfiction Failure #8 somewhere in the back of your mind. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #5-- Fanon is not a sin. That's right folks, its time to drop the rosaries and stop going to those cleansing ceremonies because contrary to what you have been led to believe, fanon is not the end of the world. What is the end of the world is not knowing the difference between fanon and canon. Even if you don't know, your readers will and there's a good chance that your fic will deserve the smack-down heaped upon you even as your pitiful cries of "no flames" go unnoticed in the fic summary. Fanon often personalizes a fic and can- and I stress can -make it better than the original source material, but like Fan Fic Failure #13, knowing what you're doing to canon before you rape it at the alter will make or break a fic. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #6 Do what they tell you not to or shouldn't. Who are 'they'? They are the know-it-alls of fanfiction; even other authors. This particular rule is a close cousin to metarule #3 and has served me well over the years. They tell you not to put specific dates in your fic? Do it. They tell you that writing about X will only cause problems. Go for it. Not only will you set your work apart from theirs as unique, but your readers will also appreciate you tackling subject matter others are afraid to touch. Trusted prereader advice should always take precedence over this rule but always keep it in the back of your mind. Asking yourself 'why' somebody advises against certain material is half the battle whether you take their advice or not. Reviews! And here's something concerning 'REVIEWS', which I copied from 'Heartless demon wolf' and 'Toa Solaric'- Writers - all of them, from famous authors to subtle FF writers- ALL depend on the feedback from our readers. Vision Dominican brought up an interesting albeit tragically true idea: "Lack of reviews is the greatest killer of fanfic writers out there. We at the Institute wish to let the public know of how they can pitch in to save our dying writers." 1) Drop a review at every other chapter. It may not seem like much, but reviews are actually what many of us want to see. That, and hits. Hits do make us happy but we don't really know if people like our story or not. 2) Visit our author page. Those kinds of hits really make us happy. It's where we showcase our entourage of friends, beta readers, and stories. Some of us even tidy up with set areas for upcoming story ideas and character bios. 3) Send an email. While normally I'd prefer a review, emails are just as good. Really, it warms my heart to communicate with another reader or writer." What you call being "too lazy to review" is what we call "a flame to the pages" as the writers. That one minute or two that you felt "too lazy" to review is another minute of creeping discouragement that all writers feel as they begin to think... "Why am I even here…?" "What's even the point of continuing?" "My skills must be terrible…no one cares for my story…" "I'll never be a good writer...I quit." These are only a few thoughts that go through every writer's head- that go through MY head- when we put out a chapter/story with all our heart and soul within, and we sit there…and sit…and wait…and not a single person says even a word. If you're not a writer, you have NO IDEA how much that hurts to the writers. If you ARE a writer, then I'm sure you know just how great it feels when someone is kind enough to leave a heartwarming and encouraging review, and you read it, smiling while thinking…"Wow…fuck...I did it…!" So, why not give fellow writers the same luxury here? Too many times I've seen epic and utterly beautiful works of literary art fall to pieces before finally being abandoned due to the terrible discouragement that the lack of reviews can cause. Sometimes, it is so severe that the very writer himself decides to quit, denying the world his skills of writing that I'm it would have deeply enjoyed. So… Just one minute, that's all it takes. Just a few gentle taps of the fingers on your keyboard, a few seconds or so of your time, and your words can SAVE a writer from a dark demise. Do me a favor: Go find a story, ANY story, anywhere here on , and see if you can help it. If it has very little / no reviews at all, just check it out, and say whatever comes to mind. And enjoy the thought in mind that you could have just SAVED that story, with just a few taps of the keyboard… If you agree with what I have said then please copy and paste any part of this story you wish onto your profile. Modify it in any way you see fit; there is no need to use my exact words. You make it say what you want it to say! From Dimiel's profile, a simple man who is undeniably flawed in every way. "People bore many faces-much of them represent idealism but isn't one itself. In this reality, there are a lot of lies and fakes. Why change when it's just to get used to such reality, right? Well, here's the thing; you don't change. You just try and be better because we're Humans and as Humans, we make mistakes. We are born flawed, there is no such thing as perfect in these limited vessels of us. Ideal imitations sure do exist. While you don't change, you can just be better. People don't appreciate you? You don't need to appreciate them nor hating them. Because you don't know, once you've shown your kind and true self, they might be taken back at such a "surprising" thing about you. And no, that doesn't mean specifically you try to befriend or romance them because that would just be very superficial, liking you because you're like that. No. You just need to show them that like themselves, you're a Human regardless of your bad qualities. In fact, having bad qualities represents us, Humans. We are flawed, those who say they aren't are just delusional as they hide behind the mask of perfection. And there is no greater lie than to wear a mask that lies and tricks people. Until then, stay as your genuine self and try to be better. As I find beauty in imperfection." Psychology Notes [Source: Psyche2Go ] People are more likely to be persuaded by fast talkers who use a few properly placed pauses. Intelligent people tend to have fewer friends than the average person. The smarter you are, the more selective you become. People with low self-esteem have a harder time saying "no" to requests unless they are really unreasonable. Your gut feelings are usually correct. If you feel that something is wrong, do not ignore it. The chameleon effect is a strange phenomenon in which we tend to unconsciously mimic the speech pattern, tone of voice, and mood of someone we have spent a lot of time with. Lethologica is the state of not being able to remember the word you want. This is often referred to as a word being on "the tip of your tongue." 80% of people remain quiet even when they want to say something in order to avoid an argument with someone they care about. The desire to sleep a lot may reveal feelings of loneliness, anxiousness, and or depression. Playing action video games trains people to make the right decisions faster. The difficulty of getting out of the morning is called Dystonia. Song Lyrics have a stronger impact on the human mind when an individual is experiencing sadness. Scientists claim most internet trolls are narcissistic, sadistic, and psychopathic in nature. Without any words, you may be able to determine if someone is in a good mood, is feeling sad, or is angry just by reading their face. A small area in the brain called the amygdala is responsible for your ability to read someone else's face for clues to how they are feeling. Drinking warm fluids can make a person feel generous and trusting. Around 2% of the world's population are considered "Sleepless elite," which means they are night owls and early birds simultaneously. Studies have found that the avatar you use online can impact how you behave. Cursing when in pain reduces the experience of pain. Viewing pictures of kittens and puppies increase attention to detail. Napping for 6 minutes can improve your memory. Love exerts the same stress on the body as deep fear - pupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate. We are good at keeping track of time for 2 minutes. Above 2 minutes, and we lose our accuracy by as much as 30%. People who are sarcastic tend to be smarter. People who hide their feelings are usually the ones who care the most. People who are easily distracted tend to be more creative. Some people sabotage themselves on purpose when something good happens to them due to having perceived lower self-worth. The human body is better suited for two four-hour sleep cycles rather than one eight-hour one. The butterflies you get in your stomach when you see someone you like is actually a stress response caused by adrenaline. "The Threshold Effect" - an actual psychological phenomenon when you walk through a doorway and forget why you entered that room. What makes a person "intelligent" is their ability to learn and process information, make cognitive decisions, and how they apply prior knowledge to draw conclusions and make connections. An Antisocial is someone who doesn't care and violates others, while an Asocial is someone who doesn't like to socialize. People who are depressed have a more accurate perception of time. Listening to good music releases dopamine, which makes you feel pleasure. The average time to form a habit is 66 days, but if the habit is complex like getting rid of a bad habit or exercising, it can take longer. Handwritten letters are the most sincere when compared to e-mails, phone calls or face to face. People are motivated by progress and mastery more than monetary rewards. When talking to someone you find interesting, areas of both brains syncs the same. We're more likely to mirror the behaviors of those we are sexually interested in. Showers aren't just good for hygiene. They psychologically restart us. People who are easily embarrassed tend to be more trustworthy, loyal, honest, and generous. People who have more sex tend to be more creative, and creativity leads to more sex. Bad handwriting? Keep this in mind: more intelligent people tend to think faster, and as a result, their handwriting is sloppier. June is the most popular month of the year to get married. The brain treats rejection like physical pain. Act of kindness makes observers kind too. Lust and love activate different parts of the brain. "The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every dam thing they are doing in their life." ~ Jaggi Vasudev If you want to know where your heart is, look at where your mind goes when it wanders. Studying the information in different places reinforce the material, because it allows your brain to constantly make new associations. Being depressed can cause you to sleep too much or too little. Some people are afraid of allowing themselves to be too happy because they think there is a negative, often tragic, event that will happen as a trade-off. This is known as chemophobia. This is the chemical formula for love: C8H11No2 C1Oh12N2O C43H66N 12O122S2; Dopamine, Seratonin, Oxytocin. It can be easily manufactured in a lab, but overdosing on any of them can cause schizophrenia, extreme paranoia, and insanity. Let that sink in. Your mind has the ability to sense when someone is looking at you. Beware when you see no one. The chameleon effect is a strange phenomenon in which we tend to unconsciously mimic the speech pattern, tone of voice, and mood of someone we have spent a lot of time with. Creative people tend to have more cluttered rooms. The shiver you get when you experience something with strong emotion is called frisson. It takes your brain about 20 minutes to register that your stomach is full. Studies show that when we see someone familiar, we first identify them through their eyes before anything else. Bright lights at bedtime may reduce melatonin production and therefore decrease the quality of sleep. 95% of people backspace their whole password if they think they have misspelled one letter! People tend to use music as an escape from all the negative things in their life. The ability to learn things while sleeping is called hypnopaedia. People with high emotional intelligence (E.I.) are often more successful than people with high IQs. People typically lean in towards people they like and away from people they dislike. Extreme stress, depression or anxiety can lead to depersonalization, a mental condition where you feel out of touch with yourself. Reading fiction promotes empathy development because you get to see things from another person's perspective. Overthinking often occurs at night and is one of the main contributors to depression or feelings of loneliness. People are more likely to overthink and over-analyze things when they're just about to fall asleep due to the decreased distractions. Being able to use and understand sarcasm is a sign of social competence. People who swear a lot tend to be more honest, loyal, and upfront with their friends. According to Sternberg's love theory, there are three components of love: commitment, passion, and intimacy. Women are 3 times more likely to wear red or pink when their fertility peaks. Listening to breakup music helps you overcome breakups quicker, because of the emotional validation that the music provides. People in love are naturally nicer to those around them. Alcohol makes your thought processes less inhibited and more likely to say things you don't mean. Our pupils dilate as much as 45% when we see someone we are attracted to. This behavior is involuntary. Your dreams are mirrors. They reflect your innermost feelings about the world and the people around you. Listening to music reduces the experience of pain. By: Shannon L. Alder They will hate you if you are beautiful. They will hate you if you are successful. They will hate you if you are right. They will hate you if you are popular. They will hate you when you get attention. They will hate you when people in their life like you. They will hate you if you worship a different version of their God. They will hate you if you are spiritual. They will hate you if you have courage. They will hate you if you have an opinion. They will hate you when people support you. They will hate you when they see you happy. Heck, They will hate you while they post prayers and religious quotes on Pinterest and Facebook. They just hate. However, remember this: They hate you because you represent something they feel they don't have. It really isn't about you. It is about the hatred they have for themselves. So smile today because there is something you are doing right that has a lot of people thinking about you. Current Projects Kamen Rider Kikai: Automata (Kamen Rider Kikai x Nier: Automata Crossover) Senran Kagura: Shinobi Chronicles (Kamen Rider Shinobi x Senran Kagura Crossover) My Hero Academia Illegals: Vigilante Dark Drive (Kamen Rider Drive x My Hero Academia Crossover) Eyecon Hunters of DxD (Kamen Rider Ghost x High School DxD Crossover) Future Projects Projects on Hold Pacific Rim: Rise of the Ultra Guardian (Ultraman Dyna x Pacific Rim Crossover) Ultraman GeeDxD (Ultraman Geed x Highschool DxD Crossover) Star Wars: A Galaxy of Adventures - A React Fanfic Complete Projects Eyecon Hunters of DxD - Request Corner I need help to come up with some elements for my Eyecon Hunters of DxD story! Original Kamen Rider idea: A female one that uses the codename Poltergeist A male one that uses the codename Phantom Weapon ideas: Do you have any ideas to share? Ghost Gadget ideas: Do you have any ideas to share? Which items and animal motifs should be combined to create interesting Ghost Gadgets? Original Eyecon ideas: Help! I want to give my OC Kamen Rider Specter what could be considered his equivalent to Kamen Rider Ghost's [Toucon Boost] Damashii and Eyecon. But unlike the latter, Specter will have the ability to manipulate and use ice while Ghost can use fire-related powers in his Toucon Boost form. Do you have any cool ideas to share? |