Author has written 107 stories for CSI, House, M.D., Crossing Jordan, Without a Trace, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, NCIS, West Wing, Man From UNCLE, Hustle, Avengers, Wild Wild West, Doctor Who, Mentalist, Criminal Minds, and Once Upon a Time. Once upon a time there was a girl named Mary. Mary's best friend Beth went to visit her aunt and uncle during the summer. A week later Mary got a letter from Beth's parents telling her about the tragic car accident that killed their little girl. Mary, at Beth's funeral, asked "How do I say good-bye?" This was the plot of the first story I 'published' when I was eight, at the public library for a contest. It was not the first story I wrote, but it was the first time I killed off a character, something I haven't stopped doing since. I like character death and h/c, with a dose of fluff on occasion and some nice smutty stuff as well. My name's Sarah. I'm a few years past 30. I have a degree in Psychology. I love to cook and read. My dog has three legs. Someday I hope to write professionally but for now original fiction is something I keep to myself and fanfic is something I post. I write for dozens of fandoms. I could tell you the current ones but by the time I remember to update this they'll be different. I rarely abandon old fandoms and may come back to them. I may finish some of the WIPs on here as well (the Abby kidnapped one for sure.) I've learned my lesson; now I don't post until a story's complete, or at least the first draft is finished. Procedural shows are some of my favorites. I have a kink for older guy/younger woman but I have many other ships as well. I'm a multishipper; some shows I may have a dozen ships for (unless we're talking about Doctor Who and then the number could be close to a hundred.) I am no longer uploading my fics to this site. I will update WIPs (Things Half in Shadows, Folly of Youth, Beauty and the Yankee) as I write new chapters, but I will not be posting anything new. I have quite a few OUAT fics not posted here. You can find them at my Ao3 (http:///users/nothingeverlost/works) (A few of) My 'ships Once Upon a Time: Rum/Belle, Archie/Ruby, Jefferson/Alice (aka Grace's mother. headcanon, not show) Graham/Emma, Charming/Snow, Rum/Belle/Jefferson Stargate Universe: Rush/Gloria, Rush/Chloe, Rush/Amanda, Rush/Belle (OUaT crossover) Criminal Minds- JJ/Rossi, JJ/Hotch, Morgan/Garcia, Hotch/Prentiss, Rossi/Prentiss, JJ/Hotch/Rossi, JJ/Emily/Rossi NCIS- Gibbs/Abby, Ducky/Abby, Ducky/Ziva, Abby/Fornell, Gibbs/Shannon, Kelly Gibbs/Ron Sacks, Tony/Jenny CSI- Grissom/Sara, Brass/Sara, Cath/Brass and Nick/Greg Doctor Who- Seven/Ace, Ace/Nine, Ace/Ten, Eleven/River, Ian/Barbara, Sarah Jane/Brig, Sarah Jane/Four, Two/Jamie, Polly/Ben, Three/Jo, Five/Nyssa, Six/Evelyn (to name a few main ones) Crossing Jordan- Macy/Lily Buffy- Buffy/Giles, Faith/Giles Tara/Willow, Giles/an OC that lives in my head and is a member of the Devon coven Angel- Wes/Fred Without a Trace- Jack/Sam West Wing- Josh/Donna, Sam/Ainsley, CJ/Simon, CJ/Leo, Margaret/Bruno, Bartlet/Abby Sports Night- Dan/Dana, Dana/Sam, Casey/Dana, Dana/The Lion King The Avengers- Steed/Peel ALWAYS Man From U.N.C.L.E- Illya/Napoleon, Mark/April, Illya/Mark Hustle- Ash/Stacy, Albert/Stacy Torchwood- Captain Jack/Ianto The Mentalist- Bosco/Teresa, Red John/Jane (not sexual) never ever Jane and Teresa |
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