Author has written 28 stories for Resident Evil, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy I-VI, Escaflowne, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy VII, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Metal Gear. 7/05/2006- Watch anime, play video games, read books. Don't you wish I were that concise with my stories? Check out my livejournal for random ficlet postings and general fic/fandom musings. I really need to start posting on it more. I guess titling your blog 'whatever...' is a self-fulfilling prophecy. :P My Escaflowne sites are still up. Both are in desperate need of updates. The Allen shrine hasn't seen anything for almost a year but I did recently add fanart by Sakura of Ron and his Sakura. Allen Shrine - /aerikas Eries Shrine - /eriesariaaston CURRENT PROJECTS - Definite Intrigues of a Princess- The third part of the Eries trilogy is finally underway. Updates scheduled for the first Monday of every month. Final Fantasy VII one-shots - My most beloved fandom, yet I can't write anything but goofy humor stories for it. Go figure. Expect more humor one-shots to appear on an irregular basis. Hojo and chibi-Seph were too much fun to write to not make a comeback. CURRENT PROJECTS - Should the gods of free time smile upon me Fortune's Fool -Leon story. All plotted and planned, just needs several thousand words added in. Yugioh one-shots - Love for fandom is fading, but have one Mahaado story I want to finish. IN LIMBO Anything Resident Evil |