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![]() Author has written 112 stories for My Little Pony, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Inuyasha, Wanna Be the Strongest in the World/世界でいちばん強くなりたい, Warcraft, Soul Calibur, Fate/stay night, Metal Fight Beyblade/メタルファイト ベイブレード, Riddle Story of Devil/悪魔のリドル, Keijo/競女, Ōkami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi/オオカミさんと七人の仲間たち, RWBY, Street Fighter, Neverwinter Nights, Pokémon, X-overs, Johnny Test, Borderlands, Person of Interest, Fairy Tail, Rumble Roses, Gravity Falls, Sonic X, Doki Doki Literature Club, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, ViVid Strike!, Sailor Moon, Descendants, 2015, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Owl House, Fallout, Kim Possible, Danny Phantom, Mortal Kombat, Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, and Avengers. Other name, Knightofluna1. Call me KON. my other account got locked for some reason, so I have to start a new one. This won't focus on the Brony Brothers, so sorry any fans of that. This time I'm going to work on mainly a crossover series preluded by a lot of fanfictions from different animes. Least that was the plan, but now I'm kind of all over the place, as you can probably see. I chose Earth-chan for my picture mainly because she's so cute, who out there agrees? It is worth noting that I'm a HUGE review junky, and I love seeing the numbers on the review counter skyrocket. I have also set up a beta reader profile, so if you're unsure of your story or chapter, send it my way and I'll be happy to look over it and give my ideas. I'll take almost anything in English, as that's the only language I can read. All stories are on hiatus until the plot bunny bites me on any of them. Right now that's a little up in the air as I got this interesting idea that isn't leaving me alone. No fics are dead, they're just sleeping. The House of the Moon Kalin Tikre: Age, unknown. Hair color, brown(white when using magic). skin color, pale red. eye color: yellow Talia Grimoire: Age 16. Hair color, pink. Skin color, tan. eye color:amythest The Sirens Rise Kasakey Idakari: Age 16(human years). Hair color, gray. Skin color, pitch black. eye color:yellow Knight of Luna: Andrew: Age:14 hair color:dirty blonde, skin color:white eye color: changes between gray and blue Battle Gears: Malcom Winds: Age: 16 Hair color: brown skin color: pale white eye color: blood red. The Banshee's Assassin: Nash'athal Moonstrider: Age: 200(20 in human years) Hair color: Bright Green Skin color: pale white Eye color: purple Jack's Magus: Asiko Nitaka: Age: 14 Hair color: golden blonde Skin color: tanned Eye color: Electric yellow I wanna play a game. The rules are simple, you make a puzzle and I'll solve it. Anyone who thinks they can win PM me with your puzzle, and if I can't solve it within a month(30 days), you win. What do you all say? DO you wanna play my puzzle game? Ninety-three percent of the teen population would die if Hannah Montanna or The Simpsons said it wasn't cool to breathe. Copy and paste this if you would be part of the seven percent that'd be LAUGHING YOUR ASS OFF! 93 percent of American teens would have a severe emotional breakdown if someone called them a freak. If you're a part of the 7 percent who would ask the person, "What was your first clue?", copy this into your profile. I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag everyday. Re-post this if you believe homophobia is wrong. Please do your part to end it! Wether one believes in a Religion or not and Wether one believes in rebirth or not there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindess or compassion. (14th Dalai Lama) If you are acceptant towards other Religions please copy this into your profile. I'm bored and wanna see how many people will post on this. Everyone list your top 10 scary video game characters. Be sure to include where they're from, and why they scare you. They can be a boss or a generic mob, terrifying to look at or just seriously creepy personality-wise, all that matters is they scare you. Here's mine 10. Tiamat: Fate/Grand Order: The Mesopotamian goddess of life, this giant Beast of Disaster serves as the final boss of the Seventh Singularity of the game. She starts out normal enough, if seriously huge, but becomes more monstrous as you continue to fight her, until she eventually assumes her final form, looking like a cross between a dragon and a chimera. 9. Darkrai: Pokemon series- While one of my favorites, Darkrai is still terrifying in its power to induce nightmares whenever its near another living being. Add that to his Dark Void attack, which puts you to sleep instantly, and you're in for one very rough night. 8. Seymor: Final Fantasy X- Leader of the Guado people, this blue-haired man seems like a decent guy at first. Then you find out he killed his own father for power and kill him. That isn't the end, though, as he comes back to life and opposes you not one, not two, but three more times in the game, each with a giant parasite creature to boost his abilities and give him another edge. Only reason he's so low? More annoying than he is scary after the third battle. 7. Stallord: Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess- IT"S A FREAKING SKELETAL DRAGON! Dragons in games are hard enough to beat on their own, but this thing takes it a step further. Sure you can take him out by smashing into his spine a few times, but he's big, has a terrifying roar, and spits a dark cloud of what I'm pretty sure is poison. 6. Witch: Left 4 Dead series- Picture this. You're shooting your way through a zombie horde, you're doing kinda well, and you're hitting all the crit shots. Suddenly, you hear a weeping sound coming from up ahead, followed by eerie music. You see someone on the ground, crying. But get too close, you're attacked by the one thing in this game more terrifying than a Tank. The Witch can pretty much oneshot you, closing the distance between you in seconds if you startle her, all while screaming in a way that makes your blood turn to ice. Best to avoid, in all honesty. 5. Lurker Shark: Jak and Daxter- If you've played this game, you've heard of this creature. Designed to basically eat you if you don't turn back quickly and head for shallow water, the Lurker Shark is the only enemy in the game that you cannot kill in any way. You can also hear it coming when you catch the sound of a giant fin flapping, and getting louder. 4. W.D Gaster: Undertale- "Beware the Man who speaks in Hands" no Undertale completionist hasn't heard these words. While he's mentioned multiple times by vanishing monsters in the game, it's really the mystery of Gaster that's more terrifying, as it's hinted he's always watching you, seeing everything you do. 3. Nemesis: Resident Evil 3 Remake- There's scary, there's terrifying, and then there's "Oh crap, it's Nemesis, run!" this Umbrella Bioweapon hunts you down relentlessly in an effort to kill you, surviving everything you throw at it until you blast it with what was basically an Ion Cannon. 2. Slenderman: Slender The Arrival- Does this need explaining? This featureless, pale, suit-wearing monster stalks you throughout the game, and if he catches you, will either kill you, or drive you completely insane. That and the fact he's always on the prowl, and your only hope of survival is run, kinda puts a terrifying spin on things. 1. First Hassan: Fate/Grand Order-"From the Mountain Abyss I come and only Death do I bring. I am the Old Man of the Mountain, the First Hassan-I Sabbah." When you first "meet" him, First Hassan kills you, and the only way to undo it is to pass his test. As you find out later, he also cuts of the head of Ozymandias before the Rider Servant could even react. And do you remember when I mentioned Tiamat? He was the one who basically ensured you could win when, after a badass speech, he forces the concept of "Death" onto her, allowing you to kill her. You get that? This guy can turn immortals mortal. How scary is that? . If you're willing to share, feel free to PM me your list of scary characters. |