Author has written 13 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Gundam Wing/AC, Harry Potter, Tenchi Muyo, Smallville, and She's the Man. My name is Hiddensoullover, there will be many mysteries about me, namely the name given to me at my birth. But I wouldn't be a Hidden Soul if I were an open book which you could read, now, would I? You may think of me as Hidden, since it isn't as hard to remember as HiddenSoulLover. Due to the AMAZINGLY LARGE amount of people who have reviewed or PM'd me asking what my gender and sexuality is, I'm going to just put it here. Gender: Female Sexuality: Bi-sexual My stories will probably consist of short or oneshot Yuri thing I can't stand is a 'homophob'. I mean, Adolf Hitler could be considered a Jew-ophob--and look where that got him. Can there really be any difference? I don't judge anyone and don't wish to be judged either.. Special thanks to my faithful readers and reviewers. Seeing your little comments make my day, make me feel the love I many times feel I don't have otherwise. They warm my heart and make me want to continue writing even when my head feels like exploding. HiddenSoulLover |