Author has written 81 stories for Inuyasha, Avatar: Last Airbender, Bleach, Dragon Age, Legend of Korra, Mass Effect, Hades, Baldur's Gate, and Legend of Zelda. Hi! I'm an optometrist with a penchant for present tense and an undying adoration for hurt/comfort. I'm terrible at replying to reviews and I tend to write ships into the ground, which I choose to believe is merely a manifestation of my deep and burning passion for the characters and less a tragic inability to focus on more than one thing at a time. I am by far most active on my tumblr; you're more than welcome to drop in and say hello! :) My LJ is pretty defunct now, though I still check my PMs there occasionally. I also once upon a time drew fanart, which you can see on DeviantArt. All of my fic is mirrored at AO3 and most older pieces (that is, 2012 and earlier) are cross-posted to my writing LJ, so please feel free to pick your literary poison. I will cherish your comments no matter where they come from, I promise. Thanks for stopping by! - o - o - LJ, tumblr, and AO3: loquaciousquark |
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