Author has written 13 stories for Slayers, El Hazard, Aliens/Predator, Final Fantasy VII, Invader Zim, Fire Emblem, Resident Evil, Teen Titans, Full Metal Panic, and My Little Pony. Eh, I'm just your average guy in the United States Navy doing what I can to alieviate my ever encroaching ennui. Oh, and maybe a little bit of the boredom in the world as well. Name's Christopher T. Cuellar, and I'm probably best known (though "best" is a highly relative term) for my work on Shards of Chaos, which by the way has it's own site at /shardsofchaos.html and more recently for the writing on webcomic Frightmoore University. () A note about updating... I write when my muse tells me to. Unfortunately she is a fickle bitch, which means my update schedule tends to be more random than the thought processes of a fifteen year old girl in the presence of her biggest crush. It can be weeks between updates, months, or just a few days... I have a tendancy to write a chapter to a story all in one big sitting, but until I feel that"itch" that tells me a new chapter is ready in my brain, trying to force it produces nothing but a headache and frustration, which leads to a longer wait, for you guys. Tentative update Schedule is as follows. This schedule is current as of : June 4th, 2007 Enemy of my Enemy, Chapter 2- (rough draft written, editing and preparing for post) Stone Heart, Chapter 5- 70 percent (Outline completed, 1/2 of the rough draft written, relatively clear of block) Going On, Chapter 22 40 percent (Outline completed, 1/3 of rough draft written, holding steady) What Evil Lurks, Chapter 8- 20 percent (Outline tentatively completed, rough draft pending, writer's block) Why Me? Chapter 13- 20 percent (Outline completed, rough draft pending, writer's block) All other stories still in holding pattern. New Stories pending release: 3 Teen Titan's Fics Working titles: Punisher Vs. The Teen Titans, and Embrace of a Dark Mother, Wanderer's Way 1 Love Hina Fic Working title: A Walk Among the Mayflies 1 Legend of Zelda Fic Working Title: Who Needs Heroes? |
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