Author has written 65 stories for Naruto, Final Fantasy VII, Death Note, Loveless, Kingdom Hearts, Spider-Man, Harry Potter, X-Men: The Movie, Torchwood, Bones, House, M.D., Twilight, Avatar: Last Airbender, Bleach, Star Wars, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Dorku no Renkinjutsushi: (dor-koo noh rayn-kayn-joot-soo-shee) (n) lit, Dorky Alchemist. A prolific writer with nowhere near enough spare time to keep up with the plotbunnies that haunt her, Dorku can be found lurking in the Highlands of Scotland, the lowlands of Fire Country, wherever her Marvel comic heroes may be at that day and time, and in various cities of hockey fame. She is also occasionally located in Amestris, Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, the LVPD crime labs, or the medico-legal labs at the Jeffersonian. From time to time, she has even made the time to vacation in Cardiff. She can also be found on LiveJournal, where she enjoys infamy as a hockey slash writer. FFN being slow, she can't post it here. Bummers. For amusement, the wild Dorku tends to slash anything that doesn't move quickly enough. And seeing how fast some of her ninja move, that means a lot. Dorku tends to slash in any direction she can, right into some fairly strange pairings and variously curious ideas. The plotbunnies, they haunt her, and she tries to keep up with a steady stream of random stuff. If there's something you particularly want to see, though, you are urged to leave a sacrificial gift of feedback, and leave your request there. The wild Dorku may be tempermental, and may occasionally disappear from her FFN (what with LJ totally owning its butt) but she'll probably get back to you. The best way to locate the wild Dorku is to click that link above. It leads to her den--her LiveJournal. Be warned; some strange beasts stalk there. Feel free to friend, if you don't fear the occasional wild yaoi rampage. If you welcome that sort of thing, she pretty much demands you friend her on LJ. NOW. NEW!! Lots of new things not postable on Fanfiction are being POSTED ON MY LIVEJOURNAL. I repeat, NC-17 rated fics are ON MY LIVEJOURNAL. If you've got a dirty mind, please, come enjoy. As of right now, we have: Untitled: KakaIru pr0n, written in celebration of a friend's birthday. At http:///83331.html And various other things. |
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