![]() Username: Vitiate Gender: Male Age: 18 About Me: Well, I'm a man that has liked fanfiction for about 5 years now? Started out with a simple Blackarachnia x Optimus Prime oneshot from Transformers that i really liked. Ever since then I started reading Fanfics about my different and favorite franchises every week. I'm also an aspiring artist and have made some pretty good stuff, currently don't have a Deviantart or other plataforms in wich I post my art but I am planning to use my original art for future stories. Also, I'm a history guy, so I understand the basics of Medieval/Classic/Modern politics and warfare, this will come in handy for my future works because alot of them will be inspired by history. Okay, that's about all i can write without revealing most of my personal life. So now my favorite part, writing about my fandoms, shippings and plans for future stories. Psdt: Sorry about my odd grammar, just wrote this in my phone. Transformers Okay, so first with my favorite franchise and the one that introduced me to the fantastic world of Fanfiction. So everyone pretty much knows what this is, giant robots. I have liked Transformers ever since the Cybertron Series, still remember that epic intro... Well either way, my favorite TV Series of Transformers are Animated and I recommend it to everyone, also G1, RID 2001, Beast Wars and that's about it. And the ones I dislike or don't like enough are Prime, Unicron Trilogy, RID 2015 and the new series. Now in comics territory, I really loved the classic Transformers Marvel Comics, specifically the UK editions mostly because it has my favorite character of all times. I also really enjoyed the Fun Publications one-shots, Dreamwave and the spectacular Regeneration One continuation of Transformers Marvel. And I really really hate the IDW continuity, mainly because of what they did to everything after they decided to end the war, it butchered for me some characters and all around alot of nonsense and fanservice, although it did introduce some interesting characters and concepts. Now the movies is a weird thing, first I hated them but after the 4th movie I just kind of just viewed them as popcorn films and that's it, though I'm content with how the movieverse left and glad about the reboot. And now, my favorite character is and will be Ultra Magnus, he was just so great in Marvel Comics and his final character arc in Regeneration One was an all around banger. Funny enough the first time I saw Ultra Magnus was with the original RID series where he was a douche but I just couldn't stop myself from sympathyzing with him, as I was generally the bad apple between me and my siblings so I could relate with him. The other Ultra Magnus are generally the same but with slightly less relevance compared to those two. And if you were wondering, yes, one of the reasons I hate IDW is for what they did with Magnus, that's all i'll say for now. And I also didn't like TF Prime for how they treated Ultra Magnus, started promising but was later butchered by the writers that wanted to make Bumblebee shine... No hard feelings to Bumblebee tho! And now my ships, warning that the majority are crackships, there really isn't enough material to form genuine shippings because y'know the Transformers are only robots with feelings. Either way, let's begin. Ultra Magnus x The Mistress of Flame After many years of not finding the appropiate femme for my man Magnus, I finally found the lady who is well suited for this mech, and before you all throw shit at me, hear me out! Just think about it, two giant freaks of Primus that are hammer lovers, bam... Okay, that's about the only reason I ship them (hard) but just because there are not enough Magnus/Femme interactions in the story other than Arcee, I think he was commander of Elita One in a One Shot of Fun Publications and I think the potential past Ultra Magnus, Magnum had a girlfriend that suspiciously looked like Moonracer. Y'see? Those two femmes are already taken and I don't even know if Magnum is indeed Magnus. Optimus Prime x Elita One Okay, so this is the must ship for everyone, even your mom ships them. The first couple in Transformers. I mostly like these two because of Animated, it was just so tragic the relationship they had in that series... I'd wish the comics and tv series would stop ignoring this couple. Well, atleast the fandom doesn't forget them. Blugeon x Windblade Another crack fic I guess you could say, altough these two do have actual interaction albeit as master and apprentice in that mobile game. Didn't think much of this ship other than the two are samurais and a bit cold hearted, maybe Bludgeon goes more towards the sadistic type. Either way, I ship these too and really hope they meet in next installments, not as a couple or even friends but just let them have a little fight with the blade and show how much of a badass Bludgeon is. Flamewar x Hot Spot No actual reason why I ship them, I just do. Those are about all my major ships, the other ones like Ironhide and Chromia I can roll with it except if they are yaoi (Unless they are canon like Rewind and Chromedome). Criticsm about Transformers Okay, decided to add this at the last second but i'll just say the things that bug me about Transformers. 1: Ideotic characters, okay this has always bothered me and that is that the majority of characters are stupid! I mean, do you excpect me to believe that Megatron managed to destroy Cybertron when he has Starscream as second in command? Wtf, if it was a realistic scenario he would either execute the backstabber or be killed by the backstabber long before he could even rise to prominence. And this happens in almost every series. 2:The Warfare, okay something that always irked me was that the combat in Transformers has never made sense. Okay, they have fireweapons, so they must've had trench wars in Cybertron... But then you have a fucking bot slicing everyone with a sword in the middle of the battlefield and never being shot, nobody in formation and everyone pretty much in just plain sight wtf with that? 3: The nonsense, okay the others could pretty much fit in here but i wanted to expand on those things first. Now... The nonsense was the thing that just kept me away from IDW after the war ended, they just went overboard with it, like giving fucking Starscream a seat of power, pardoning MEGATRON, PARDONING EVERYONE, like come on... In a realistic scenario they would all be executed after the war ended or at the very least be exhiled but no, the Ideals of the Autobots wich I have one thing to say about, you can't be a hero in a war Optimus Prime... Do you think the greatest generals/leaders of all time never had to sack a town for resources? Well, getting off topic here. That's about it. The Elder Scrolls I have started playing the games since Oblivion, my first RPG and I loved it. Pretty difficult but the trick was to lower the difficulty, lol. Either way, this is one of my favorite franchises of all time and is the franchise that made me love OC Stories. I particulary like Skyrim the most, gues it was just because it's the "newer" but I have found it more charming than any of the previous games and is where my creativity flew with the character creation. And I am somewhat knowledgable in thw Lore, If I ever come down to writing something for TES expect a more crazy story than the usual. My Heros: Male Dragonborn: An old Nord veteran from the Great War. Big, strong with an epic beard. After the war ended he went to aid Hammerfell in their ongoing war against the Thalmor were he gained a distaste for elves. After all conflict ended he went on to be a hermit and travel around the world and gain some wisdom and peace. After returning to the home place of his dear mother he is captured by his breteren. Cataphrat inspired armor and a simple Poleaxe and Crossbow as his main weapons, being later on profiecient in the Thuu'm. Valkorion is his name. Male Hero of Kvatch: Young Imperial. Medium size but well fit with short hair. A simple thief who later was chosen to protect the Septim bastard, with whom he had a great friendship with. Teutonic inspired armor with a simple sword and proficient in magic. Constantino is his name. Nerevarine: An old Dunmer. Small, slim and scar ridden. A proficient mage who spent his whole life around the world, later discovering his true purpose and achieving new levels of power. Aeron is his name. Shipps: MDragonborn x Delphine: I think I'm the only one who actually liked her and I think she's the perfect match for my Dragonborn. I might make a long story with this pairing, because it's seriously lacking in this site. ASOIAF/GOT I took a liking to this series, it was really similar to what a medieval europe would have been and I like history. Though the last couple of seasons have been pretty stupid I still loved the Books. Favorite Character: Stannis: Man, my favorite character. He is the only one I would honestly follow to the depths of Oblivion and I want him to atleast lead the fight against the Others in the books as Melisandre saw in the flames. Reminds me of a lot of leaders in the past, Constantine comes to mind. Shipps: Stannis x Melisandre: For creepy as they are I just love them together, Stannis seems to enjoy the 'close' company of Mel in the books even though there is most likely no sentimental attraction between them there is definetly something there. Stannis doesn't seem to mind the company of this beatiful creature and Melisandre seems to like the perspective of being the Lady of who she believes is Ahzor Ahai. And even though the TV kinda screw them over, their chemistry on-screen just made it all the more spectacular for me. |