Author has written 16 stories for Gundam Seed, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Moon Child, Tsubasa Chronicle, Harry Potter, D.Gray-Man, and Fullmetal Alchemist.
Avatar: NOT my Art. Found on ZeroChan. (http:///1736324)
STATUS REPORT: University (X.x) -- On Writing Hiatus.
Name: Nostalgic5947
Age: 23
Sex: Girl
Like: Yaoi, Yuri, SOME Het
Dislike: annoying ppl
Hate: The fact that poeple can't seem to stay away from what they hate & then blame the people that post it/put it up for them seeing it (retards, really).
The Anonymous reviewer who called themself "nobody" is also someone I hate. Really: why review a story that you don't like and give the author a hard time? There are people in the world who do like the story (or else it wouldn't have reviews or even be up!) so why bother doing something so pointless?
What really ticked me off was how cowardly this idiot was. "nobody" didn't even leave an email! XD Though I suppose it's a good thing; I would have spammed their ass.
Note: These reviews have been removed.
Fav Food: Hamburgers, Pizza, sushi
Fav Color: Black, Red, Green, and Silver
Fav Manga/Anime: Angel Sanctuary, Hetalia, Black Butler, Magi, YuGiOh, and Count Cain/GodChild
Fav Book: The Golden Treasury of Natural Health Knowledge by John H. Tobe
Fav couples: Currently (written seme(top)/uke(bottom):
#1s. Sinbad/Judal (Magi)
Yami Yugi/Yami Bakura, Atemu/Akefia (if that's his real name...), and Joey/Malik (cuz it's cute and mind-slaves make good sex-slaves) (YuGiOh)
Katan/Rosiel (Angst ridden, immoral, blasphemous, and totally SEXY) (Angel Santuary)
Sebastian/Grell (It's pretty much cannon...) (Black Butler)
Satoshi/Krad or DarKrad or Dark/Satoshi/Krad (cuz Krad just isn't seme material) (DNA)
Muraki/Watari (yay for mad scientists and mad doctors!) or Tatsumi/Watari (YnM)
Cassian/Jizabel (can you tell how much I love mad doctors?) or Cassandra/Jizabel (they spell rape, I swear) or Riff/Jizabel (rare but sweet--assuming Riff gains a soft spot for his master's half-brother...) (Count Cain/Godchild)
Odin/Laufey (my head-cannon) or Farbauti/Laufey and (for some reason) Balder/Helbindi (Thor 2011)
Thor/Loki (obvious) (Thor 2011, Avengers)
Ed/Envy (Yes with Envy as uke), Miles/Kimbley or Scar/Kimbley or Scar/Miles/Kimbley (let's face it: Ishbalians and the crimson alchemist defies logic so much it's just... HOT), and ... Lust/Envy (O M G a het couple -faints-) or Lust/Gluttony (Note: she comes first not because I write girls first but because she strikes me as too dom--she'd lord over Gluttony and Envy's too frail ego and emotional wise to dom with her so... yea)(FMA)
Arthur/Lucius (HP)
DannyF/DannyPh and Jack/Vlad (DP)
Jasdebi or TyDebi ()
Kaname/Hanabusa or Zero/Hanabusa (VK)
Kuro/Fai (TRC)
Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Watching TV, Writing, Traveling, Guitar, Piano, Violin, Horseback riding, Singing