Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Ok here's alittle bit about me...I promise you it's nothing much. I was born and raised in the FANTASTIC state of TEXAS. (I'm proud can you tell?) I love HP - it's one of the first books in a VERY long time to keep me guessing about the ending and that fustrates me to no end because I am use to figuring it out about half way thru. I love to be outdoors...skydiving, roller blading, the lake, the beach, etc...DANCING love it to no end, crafts, karate, floating the Guadulpe and the Frio rivers, traveling...I could do this all day. Things you should never do to make me mad...hurt my friends or family! Touch my HP books! I'm not kidding when I say they are in a glass case with an alarm around them. I have followed this series since their first release almost 10 years ago. I have been there everytime at midnight, I've seen the release go to about 5 people to full blown street parties. My time to get a new book making sure it's a first edition has gone from 5 minutes to 19 hours in line...for book 7 release I might as well move into the book store! I am a mom to a wonderful little lady...she teaches me new things everyday. I am 31 and having the time of my life. So that's me in a nut shell. Hope it satisfied your curious little questions LOL. Thanks for reading my ( and a lot of Texy's) story. Hope you enjoy it. |
Barb LP (11) | granger2malfoy (58) |