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Joined 07-15-05, id: 855842
Author has written 3 stories for Pokémon.

Hello everyone...I just thought to introduce myself, so you'll know me a little better..I am actually WindyNight from ANF, SPPF and many other forums...I didn't use that as my screen name because I don't want to make it a little too obvious..So now you know, I am WN...If you want to contact me, you can mail me at windynight15@ If you want to add me to your messengers...

MSN - a_drop_of_wind_yy@

Yahoo - pkzdfyy15 (I don't use Yahoo often)

AIM - WindyNight 15

Favourite Animes:

~Pokemon - Pocket Monsters


~Digimon - Digital Monsters

~Fruits Basket

~Gundam Seed/ Gundam Seed Destiny

~Full Moon wo Sagashite

Shippings I Support:


~Shuu/Drew x Haruka/May (ContestShipping)

~Satoshi/Ash x Kasumi/Misty (PokeShipping)

~Ash's Bulbasaur x May's Bulbasaur (VineShipping)

~Drew's Masquerain x May's Beautifly (?)


~Koji x Zoe - Digimon Frontier

~Takuya x Zoe - Digimon Frontier

~T.K x Kari - Digimon Adventure

~Matt x Sora - Digimon Adventure


~Inuyasha x Kagome

~Inuyasha x Kikyo

~Miroku x Sango

Fruits Basket:

~Yuki Sohma x Tohru Honda

~Kyo Sohma x Tohru Honda

~Hiro Sohma x Kisa Sohma

Gundam Seed/ Gundam Seed Destiny:

~Kira Yamato x Lacus Clyne

~Athrun Zala x Lacus Clyne

~Athrun Zala x Cagalli

~Sai x Flay

Full Moon wo Sagashite:

~Takuto Kira x Full Moon (16)

~Takuto Kira x Meroko Yui

~Izumi Lio x Meroko Yui

Fan Fictions:

I love writing fan fictions especially shipping ones. Currently, I have about 5 fan fictions (1 abandoned) on my hand and I know that's a lot. I'm a human being just like the rest of you are, so you CAN'T expect me to update very quickly. I have a life and school to worry about and they do come first! Sorry, but I can't help it...Now, I'll just describe each of my fanfic in detail...

~ Dream of Glory

Description: This is my first ever fan fiction and it is a shipping fanfic. This fanfic only involves May and Drew, my favourite characters in the Anime Pokemon.

Rating: PG-13

Progress: Currently, working on chapter 5...Yes, chapter 4 is finally out! cheers

Priority: 1st

~ Love Just Is

Description: Another of my ContestShipping fan fiction. Shuu x Haruka

Rating: PG-13

Progress: Quequed...

Priority: 5rd

~ Disaster Resolves into Love

Description: My third ContestShipping story, but second to come out in public! Yup, I love ContestShipping!

Rating: PG-13

Progress: Quequed

Priority: 3nd

~The Falling Star

Description: This is my first Gundam Seed/ Gundam Seed Destiny fan fiction (well, second to come out in public)! It's mainly based on the triangular relationships between Lacus Clyne, Kira Yamato and Athrun Zala...GS rules!

Rating: PG-13

Progress: Thinking of a storyline and writing a plan-out...

Priority: 3rd

~ Am I Forgiven?

Description: This is another one of my Gundam fanfic and it's also a shipping fic! It's Lacus x ? Guess who? It's Lacus Clyne x Athrun Zala...Yay! (xP) No need to worry, K x L fans, my fanfic "The Falling Star" is a K x L fic... Yipee! GS rocks!

Rating: PG-13

Progress: Getting started on chapter 1

Priority: 2nd

~My Valentine!

Description: This's my first ever one-shot fanfic. It's a a Pokemon ContestShipping (Shuu x Haruka) based Valentine's Day one-shot! You ContestShippers don't want to miss this=P

Rating: PG-13

Progress: Finished!

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

My Valentine reviews
[ContestShipping Valentine OneShot] As May and Max returned home to Petalburg, May received a letter from her long time Pokemon rival, Drew! When Drew invited May to go to the Petalburg Square on Valentine's Day, what would happen to them?
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,210 - Reviews: 107 - Favs: 172 - Follows: 22 - Published: 2/15/2006 - Complete
Dream of Glory reviews
[ContestShipping]May was depressed after hearing that Ash and others were next heading to a region where there were no Pokemon Contests. She ran off on her own and ended up in a huge and confusing wood. Drew appeared there and what would happen to them?
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 35,338 - Reviews: 95 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 39 - Updated: 11/30/2005 - Published: 7/19/2005
Never Ends Challenge reviews
This my AN [a forum I joined] Member Based fan fiction. The main characters in this fiction are from the AN forum. It's their Pokemon adventure in the new Testtle Region!
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,657 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 7/19/2005