![]() Author has written 49 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Crusade, Touhou Project, Persona Series, Little Busters/リトルバスターズ!, Fate/stay night, World Only God Knows/神のみぞ知るセカイ, Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録, Pokémon, Higurashi/Umineko series, Ar tonelico series, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Log Horizon/ログ・ホライズン, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, Naruto, Fire Emblem, Steins;Gate/シュタインズ ゲート, Idolmaster, Date A Live/デート・ア・ライブ, RWBY, and High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D. 'Give me a reason to write and I will give you the pleasure of reading a never ending story born of my imagination. So will you give me a reason to write?' - Wrathie Winsre RIP - Monty Oum (June 22, 1981 – February 1, 2015) Support the Mangaka! Buy the Localization copies too!! About me: My Avatar is Catherine - My muse whom is the driving motivation and inspiration for almost /all/ of my fics! Fear her! My Inspiration to write stems from the Jun Maeda of KEY and Ryukishi07 from 07th Frontier. My Favorite Genres to write about are Romance, Humor, Adventure and Comfort. The Topics/Series I'm interested to write/am writing for currently are: World Only God Knows, Fate/Stay Night and the Persona Series. Series that I'm currently following are: The World Only God Knows and the Monogatari Series My Beta-Readers are currently: dongaro, Kaiser Dude, Wolf's Honour, AKAAKira, bowpurity, Kurizon, XoreandoX and Nephirim. Thank them for their edits please! Note: I really like to read and reply to reviews. It doesn't matter if it's a short one or a long one, as long as you have questions or simply wish to just voice out your thoughts and comments about what is happening, please just write it down for me. Current and Ongoing Projects As per 2013, it's been 8 long years since I've been here! Touhou Project The Shrine of Gensokyo: Gensokyo No Jinja: COMPLETE!! Finding History with your Flame: COMPLETE!! Persona Series Finding your True self: -Dropped- Piecing the Fragments Brief Summary NG Centred. It's her final journey and she has only one chance to get it right. Once more, only this time there's no Continues. Little Busters! The Reason I loved him Brief Summary One Shorts of the Heroines of Little Busters detailing why, they loved him. -Complete- Fate/Stay Night The Core of A Jewel: -Dropped- Brief Summary After Kotomine's betrayal, Rin has only Lancer instead of Archer to Depend on. Will she still be able to make things right?! The World God Only Knows / 神のみぞ知るセカイ The World Girls Only Knows: Azalea Side(Complete)/Sorrel's Teasing/Blue Rose Paradox(Complete)/Moonflower's Wish (Complete)/Mission 'V'/Side Collection Brief Summary Through the Eyes of the 'Captured' Girls, will they be able to 'Capture' him back as well? And will the feelings of three certain girls finally soften the God's stance on them? Toaru No Majutsu Index The 'Scientific' Experiment Mini-series - Complete- Brief Summary A series of Short Stories about the Toaru Majutsu Index Girls and their force participation in 'Scientific' Experiments carried out by a certain 'sister'.
DLC Content -Complete- Brief Summary: My take on possible DLCs that could be included in the game for real. Sword Art Online The Captive Swordsman Brief Summary It's Asuna's turn to save Kirito after the SAO Arc, can our love struck Princess save the Prince this time? Shield and Swords Brief Summary She is his shield, but dual swords were never meant to equip shields... a story of a girl which could have lived, and the impact she had on the world if she did. Log Horizon - Dropped- Recommencement of Time Brief Summary A short story of how a guardian could help protect someone from their death. Wait, isn't that what they always do in the first place?! Crossovers Commandments of Capturing Date A Live x The World God Only Knows - Hiatus?- Brief Summary Time for the Capturing God to show one clueless, harem based protagonist the ropes on how it is done. But can he stop himself from being dragged along for the ride? A Certain Feel of Fate Nasuverse X Toaru Majutsu No Index -Dropped- Brief Summary Finally, our protagonist meets each other, a battle of love, of courage, of self-belief, as well as the old adage: 'Good will always prevail Evil.' Pieces out of Line RWBY x Fate/Stay Night Brief Summary Crossover AU Fic, the addition of Shirou, a darker team of RWBY and a sinister plot in the backgrounds. What could possibly go wrong? -Pairings that I will Love to Write about- Little Busters: Riki X All the Little Busters Girls but Esp Sasami/Saya/Kanata Da Capo: Nemu X Juni'ichi Fate Stay Night: Rin X Archer, Rin X Lancer Tales of Symphonia: Lloyd X Collete Final Fantasy: Cloud X Aerith, Vincent X Yuffie/Tifa, Squall X Rinoa, Rikku X Auron Persona 4: Souji X Chie/Rise, Yosuke X Chie Tsukihime: Shiki X Arcuied/Akiha/Sion Touhou Project: Reimu X Yukari/Remilia/Suika, Alice X Patchouli, Sanae X Suwako Toaru No Majutsu Index: Touma X Misaka 10032, Misaka Mikoto, Kuruko The World Only God Knows: All of the girls if possible Brief Facts and FAQ About The World Only Girl's Knows Series: -In Chronology there are three different time lines but two are in the same main one -Azalea Side and Sorrel's Teasing is based on the same timeline with variations to Keima's choices. -Blue Rose Paradox and Moonflower's Wish is on another but in the same timeline. -So if you are confused on what to read first, a good starting point would be either on Azalea Side or Blue Rose Paradox - Thank you for reading this far, and we'll see each other in one of my stories. I've commissioned the Designs for my OCs in Moonflower's Wish, done by the incredible: eudetenis The links are below: Miyabi Eru and Hanekawa Tsubasa The following is done by Amuscaria for Cloche from Pieces out of Line, Kirara and Kirarin from Flower Amongst Devils Thank you for the hard work Random Trivia: Sadman2007, you're the 100th person who clicked that: Favorite Author link below. For that, I thank you and to all the others, Thank you for the support for the past 7 years! |