Since I haven't written any stories, you probably came here because I left a review on one of your stories. Though often maybe a bit harsh, my reviews are not meant to be unconstructive and I put quite some time in them, except in the rare case that they just say "this is bad and you should feel bad, imbecile", though I can't remember an example of that. Most of my reviews are written because I liked the concept but not the execution, so see that at least as a somewhat positive sign. On the other hand, that can still range from "your summary enticed me but your story is crap" to "a few minor mistakes that I noticed that would make this excellent story perfect when they're corrected". Both are still pointers to improve, though the first would necessitate a complete rewrite, which you probably won't be capable of anyway if the original was complete crap, but there are always exceptions. So you either ignore my review, or improve your story. One is easy, the other gets you a better story. Or you try to disarm my arguments or complaints. I can be wrong too. Differences in taste can play a role of course, but I think that most of the time I explicitly point it out when a certain point in my review may be me and not you because it is more personal preference related. But the limits of what comprises "personal taste" and what is allowed because of it are personal taste too, so that's a somewhat fluid line. If however your argument is that I haven't written any stories myself, you only establish yourself as a retard who doesn't know how this critique stuff works. |