Author has written 5 stories for Hunger Games, Harry Potter, A song of Ice and Fire, and Game of Thrones. "Oh! Hello there, my Name is DemonicxEric and I'm a writer and reader of FanFiction. I'm 21 I'm male And I am always up to help users with whatever possible so don't be shy to reach out. My likes are writing, drawing, YouTube, and voice acting. My dislikes are negative/mean spirited people, heat, and especially Sasuke Uchiha... in the original series some fanfics of him are okay. My dream is to have a nice and happy family while I'm a secret badass that does cool shit without anyone knowing. And as for hobbies I write, draw, game, voice act, and have a tendency to imagine whole universes in my head that later become FanFiction stories of mine. I hope you enjoy my content and sleep well and eat well and over all have a good day. Bye. |
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