Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Killing Eve. Hi! I'm a writer, mum, and unapologetic SSHG/Dramione shipper. You can find me floating around Reddit as AshTreeReader. The Prisoner and the Occlumens is DONE! Thank you to all of my readers for the time they've devoted to reading my work, and for encouraging me throughout this process. You are my people. I'm currently writing original fiction only, though someday I would love to get back to fanfiction. Drop me a line – I adore talking to fellow PotterHeads :) A bit about me House: Slytherin Husband: black-haired and gorgeous (and so Gryffindor it hurts) Children: funny, sweet, crazy and the best two things I've ever had Colours: purple and green Flower: black tulips Diet: carnivore Writers: JKR, obv, but also Jane Austen, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Stephen King, Philip Pullman, Margaret Rogerson, Andy Weir and I could go on but won't Daemon: a huge brindle black-and-brown wolf with glowing orange eyes Education: too much Hobbies: too few Sleep: yes please |
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