![]() Author has written 55 stories for Dukes of Hazzard, Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Biker Mice From Mars. I've been writing my own stories since I was a kid, and started writing fiction for various fandoms when I was in high school. I love to read. My favorite book is "Les Miserables", and my favorite literary character of all time is Jean Valjean...although I could easily give a list of my top 20. But Valjean beats them all, hands down. :) As a child of the 80s, the turtles moved into my imagination when I was in third grade and never left. The 2k3 series is my favorite universe to play around in (and 2k3 Leo is my favorite), so most of my turtfics are 2k3, but there are a few from the 2007 movie and 2012 series as well. No matter what fandom I write in, I don't write (permanent) ;) character deaths or pairings unless they are true to what actually happened in the series. There are a handful of stories from Dukes of Hazzard that I wrote a long time ago. I guess something about the family dynamics resonated with me (found family is my jam) XD I can't say I approve of the aesthetic/glorification of "The South" (TM) that is a theme of the TV series, but I had fun writing the stories and I still like the work I did, so I'm going to leave them posted. I've written several stories for Mass Effect and Dragon Age, and they're posted on AO3 here under the same username of Flynne You can also find me on tumblr: Thanks for stopping by! |