Author has written 36 stories for Naruto. edited June 28, 2009 (crickets chirping in the background) hello, is anyone here? i wrote a new story. so please regard it kindly~!! it's called "a taste of something better". welcome to my profile page. nothing special here, just some incessant babbling about who i am. my name, contrary to what many have been led to believe, is not julia. it's julie. glad we got that out of the way. i am a college graduate, i work, write in my spare time, and am a self-proclaimed ebay freak. um, i usually do both while i'm at work, too... heh. it's through absolute boredom that i get some of my more harebrained ideas, or lust for items i may already have at home. i am, according to my dear friend kame, a hinamaniac- a person who is obsessed with hinata hyuuga from "naruto". i actually love tons of characters from hundreds of anime and manga series, but the "naruto" fandom is probably the most fun. read, enjoy, and offer a comment (or several) about how i can make my writing better in the future. while flaming me is out of the question, constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated. thanks for stopping by~!! -jules |
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