![]() Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter. BIO: 12/10/23 6/4/2015 Long time ffn member. No longer writing, but still an avid reader. Primarily Malfoy fics. No fluff. 23/11/2009 Oh, goodness me. I have very much alive, I assure you. I'm still active on this site - I'm here a few times a week. I've recently been writing a new fic, and attempting to write some more of Silver Darkness - I've almost got a whole new chapter done. However I don't see the character of Draco quite the same way, as when I started writing the 'Hush' saga 4 years ago. The newer story I'm working on, may or may not ever be published on . I'd prefer to complete a bit more of it, before I endeavour to post it online, as I don't cope well with writing to a schedule, and I, just like you, can't stand waiting for updates. I can however tell you, that I've developed a 'new Draco', sort of built upon the one from 'Hush' and 'Silver Darkness', but basically crueller and near manic/bipolar in his mood swings. I'm really enjoying writing this one, it puts a smile on my face. 24/6/2007 No I'm not dead. I'm just in the middle of exams. Sorry for delay in update. I'll attempt to get something up within the next few weeks... 5/4/2007 Well I'm posting all the links to my banners!! WOOT! BANNER BUSINESS http:///albums/f275/2hpfans/v2.jpg SILVER DARKNESS BANNER http:///albums/f275/2hpfans/complete1.jpg THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BLACK AND WHITE BANNER http:///albums/f275/2hpfans/bannerblacknwhite.jpg GHOST BANNER http:///albums/f275/2hpfans/newghostbana.jpg EARLIER GHOST BANNER http:///albums/f275/2hpfans/ghostfin.jpg STOPS AT SPINNERS END BANNER (Made by Shayla) http:///albums/f275/2hpfans/spinnersend.jpg HUSH http:///albums/f275/2hpfans/Hush20banners/4.jpg ALTERNATE HUSH BANNERS http:///albums/f275/2hpfans/hush4.jpg http:///albums/f275/2hpfans/hushbanner3.jpg http:///albums/f275/2hpfans/3.jpg There they are! Hope you enjoy! More Hush coming your way soon! Bright Eyes 26/12/2006 To think it's been an entire year since GoF came out! Scary! Well Hush has now gone through 3 different beta's - each with a name starting with 'A' -- alanna, asuri and agnote. I didn't actually realise this until a week ago! I'd like to thank them all here for all of the wonderful work they have done for me! You are all fantastic! A new Hush chapter should be posted before the year is out! Thank you to all of my reviewers and those who have just read - I'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment! Happy Holidays! Bright Eyes 10/6/2006 I've now got a beta (thank gooddness!) and they are going through my work WOOT! Chapter 12 of Hush is currently being written and there will be a sequel once it is complete (which may not be all that soon). The new chapter of Hush should be up in the next few weeks. 29/3/2006 I have finally updated Hush and I am going through and revising each chapter. If anyone is interested in being a beta for my story I would very much appreciate it. Please not I would like someone with at least a little previous experience. 1/2/2006 I'm back at school now! WOOT... As you can see I've become slack and have reverted to one-shot writing rather than working hard on 'Hush'. I will attempt to complete another chapter before the end of this month. There are no promises though because I'm still unsure of how much homework will be laden apon me. Sigh. 21/12/05 Just finished school, therefore, many more posts should (ie. supposed to but knowing me possibly not because I'm lazy) happen soon. A new Hush chapter is in progress as are a few other one-shots. A Merry Christmas to all or may you enjoy the holidays celebrating whatever you wish to celebrate! Merry Christmas and God Bless Shining Bright Eyes 5/12/05 Just 20 shopping days until Christmas! My mum's going nuts! I saw GoF on Friday...the day after it came out. Wow! They did a great job considering they had to work around the sub plots they took out. When Voldemort appeared I went into shock. Literally! I couldn't move and I felt like I'd just run in a marathon! I found it interesting the way they didn't make Lucius Malfoy grovel like Pettigrew did in the movie and that they didn't give Voldemort red eyes...but what can you do? If you haven't seen it already what are you doing on a fiction site? Seeing the visual interpretation of GoF is just amazing! There should be an update for Hush around Christmas! Bright Eyes |