Author has written 74 stories for Dark Angel, Teen Titans, Fruits Basket, Power Rangers, X-Men: The Movie, Avatar: Last Airbender, Teen Titans, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, Scryed, Kingdom Hearts, Batman, Bleach, Naruto, Hana Yori Dango, Inuyasha, Blood+, DC Superheroes, Star Wars, X-Men: Evolution, Smallville, Final Fantasy XII, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Once Upon a Time, and Wolverine & the X-Men. March 18, 2011 I keep receiving reviews asking for rewrites or sequels to Winning over Haruhi Fujioka. I do not write anymore for Ouran High School Host Club. Winning over Haruhi Fujioka is finished. March 3, 2011 So I literally disappeared of the map. I'm sorry for those who follow my stories. It's my goal to be an actual novelist and so I've been working on an independent work. I'm still working on it but right now I'm having writer's block big time. I can't promise consistent updates. I'm going to try but something might come up. So, updates hopefully lots of them. Don't despair one way or another I'm finishing. So be prepared for the pairing strangeness. July 22, 2010 So Zeroing in on the Soul is up. It's the first of the PR Connected Grid Saga. There will be 10 stories in connected grid. Each story should be a minimum of 20 chapters long though there are two that are plannned to go with Ars Aramortia. I'm really excited about this project. For one, I like odd pairings and most people didn't write a lot of the pairings I love to write. For two, this is the first time I've tried a series. So keep your eyes. As for other updates...I know a lot of people want updates to Tell Me Were Not Enemies. I can't promise anything but I going to try to put a chapter up soon. So look for something in the next week or two. Also, I need some help. If anyone knows of any good website builders for free please let me know. I'm trying to launch two sites and I'm not really doing well at it. The templates I've looked at make me want to gag. There's not enough creative freedom. So if you can help me just PM me. Thanks everyone. July 14, 2010 I know you're wondering what the hell happened to me last time. It's a long story. I'm back though. I won't promise regular updates but I'm still posting. I'm also working on original stuff for those who care. It won't most likely be posted but once I get my webpages going I'll let you know about it. In other news... Finally some stories got updates. Others are on their way. So hang tight and catch you on the flip side. March 9, 2010 I’m back with vengeance. Retirement should be in June and not to fear I am still updating the others. The bad news is that Fridays should be my days of updates. I might post sooner but I have school, work and an independent writing project (my first original work) to concentrate on. So if I disappear again it’s nothing personal its just that RL got in the way. Also: If anyone is interested in making some trailers for any of my fanfics, I would be interested. I've been wanting to make some but don't really have the time. So just message me and let me know if you made one and I'll link it the profile. Thanks. March 9, 2010 I’m back with vengeance. Retirement should be in June and not to fear I am still updating the others. The bad news is that Fridays should be my days of updates. I might post sooner but I have school, work and an independent writing project (my first original work) to concentrate on. So if I disappear again it’s nothing personal its just that RL got in the way. November 30, 2009 So I haven’t kept up with the posting like I would like and since my expected retirement date is looming closer you will be seeing a lot more of me. I am no longer taking requests. Sorry but I have a deadline to make. Thanks for reading. November 30, 2009 So I haven’t kept up with the posting like I would like and since my expected retirement date is looming closer you will be seeing a lot more of me. I am no longer taking requests. Sorry but I have a deadline to make. Thanks for reading. June 17, 2009 I'm pulling my sorry excuse for a homepage. I'm working on something better for my fanfiction so I'll let everyone know when it's up. Sorry it's been a while. I meant to be back here sooner but I've been working 50 hours a week. It got to the point where I had to tell my boss it was too much. I was never home always at work. I promised updates and they are coming don't be surprised see quite a few in the next two weeks. Story Status: Resistant Pieces: NEW! It's a Rietro fic combing both X-men Evolution and Wolverine and the X-men. May 24, 2009 I’m theunknownvoice. I’ve been writing fanfiction since 2006 and am still writing. I’m beginning to think about retirement but still have over 50 stories I want to write and a bunch of stuff to complete. So I’m not going anywhere until I’m finished. I love fanfiction because it let’s a person imagine the story differently (let’s face it there are a bunch of things most people don’t see eye to eye with the original writer about). However, there is also a lot of great stuff the original writers came up with that was never expanded on. Stories in General: I don’t do stories that merge the “real world” with the world of the original stuff. So there will be no high school JLA, no Sakura Haruno working in a department store or Harry Potter without his magic. Also there is some things I don’t write fanfiction for. For instance, Lord of the Rings is on my do not write fanfiction for list. My stuff tends to be AU and I try to stick to some of the canon but I’m not a purist. Pairings: I do not write: Yaoi/Slash—I’m not into reading that stuff so I don’t write it. Cannon pairings—I’m not a fan of some of the canon pairings. For instance in Dark Angel, Max should’ve dumped Logan’s ass after the whole thing with him calling her family thieves. I don’t respect people who go onto other people’s stories and post reviews saying they hate the pairing. Don’t like, don’t read. Stuff: I don’t have a beta-writer and I’ve never met anyone who I trust to edit my fanfic. So if there are grammar errors I apologize. I do you use spellcheck and grammarcheck but they can only do so much. I do take requests and challenges but I don’t do them unless I’m interested. I update as frequently as I can. It will become more frequent once my internet situation stabilizes. Anyway thanks for reading. theunknownvoice |