Author has written 6 stories for Ranma, and Harry Potter. Godda... Please. accept=/=except=/=expect 'I accepted the deal, since I like it.' Learn the differences! And while we're at it! threw=/=through throw threw thrown 'He threw me a key.' Seriously, they are simple words, you really should know them before attempting to write a story in English. -.-' Punctuation; the difference between Capitalization; If you can't spell the character names or their home address correctly in the Summary, I won't bother reading your story. There is no Ramma Soatome in Nemira, his mother is not Nodoko Somate, and he never were to Jynshikyo. I'm an -85, who've read more fanfiction than I'd like to admit... I started reading back in 2003, maybe earlier, I can't quite recall anymore. Since I started reading the stories of some of the greater Ranma fanfiction writers, I have set a rather high standard for what I consider good. Nightelf, Kenko, Goldsmith, Lawson, metroanime, are all writers I've read and loved. These writers used mailing lists and betas. Betas really are useful, and the better writers I see actively posting here in these days obviously use betas. I have, I think, ten stories floating around, apart from one-shots. Most are in the planning stage and I doubt I'll ever feel confident in posting them. I know the start, middle and end of the stories, I just find it boring to add what's in-between when I've already "read" the story several times. Why are people adding alerts on me when I post oneshots? (More than 20 of them) It's like getting an RSS-feed on a three-line notice in the local newspaper. When I post a proper story I might understand it, but now it seems silly. And lastly, all my oneshot fics are free for all to use, really, they are. They are ideas that popped into my head at the time and you can do whatever with them, I can't come up with a way to continue. Besides, my muse is busy (avoiding) producing potential storylines for my other stories. Ever searched for 'bayankala' on google map? There are a ... few... puddles of water around that mountain... Ranma is sitting at a campfire, a bucket of water next to him. -"Hmm, I wonder if it will work?"- Ranma tosses the bucket of water upon the fire. -"YES! Grilled fish!"- Spring of drowned carp, very tragic story of carp who suffocate in spring an hour ago. |
ContraBardus (46) Kenko (11) | muishiki (31) n1ght3lf (28) Ozzallos (27) | Trugeta (10) Usagi-Hasano (10) |