Author has written 153 stories for Airwolf, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Doctor Who, NCIS, Hawaii Five-0, Stargate: Universe, Avengers, and Star Trek: Picard. August 2024: Many thanks to everyone for their continued reading of my stories. Unfortunately I will no longer be cross-posting here in future and will not be responding to any messages sent to me here. I'm making some life changes because of my chronic health conditions and I have taken the decision to create my own website which will act as the main permanent archive for all my writing - original, fanfiction and non-fiction. You can find the link over on tumblr where I am rachelfivehundred or search for rachelfhundred fanfiction on the search engine of your choice. :) I will not delete the stories here given many people have them bookmarked or linked, and I know for many this was the first place they stumbled across my writing. If you wish to use any of my stories/characters/concepts in your own fanfiction, or are inspired to create fanart or an audible reading for your own enjoyment, please credit me and the story that has inspired you, and home on a fanwork site which is not monetised. You can always use the contact form on my website to let me know and share a link to your own work. As always, happy reading and thank you for all your support over my many years here. |
CatsAreCool (5) |