![]() Author has written 17 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Inuyasha, Lord of the Rings, and Full Metal Panic. Update 21 October 2006 My apologies that updates are taking so long. Free time is hard to come by and when I do have a chance to write I'm finding what I'm writing is pretty crappy. Rest assured, my stories will be completed. It just may take some time... Thanks again for reading! Update 27 April 2006 On 25th April 2006 my husband was killed in a motorcycle accident. I can't see myself writing anything for a while as I try to come to terms with this. If I can, I will return sometime to finish those stories that I began. To those who send such encouraging reviews; I hope you understand. Update 03 August 2004 Is it seriously over a year since I updated this? Yikes. I've had a bit of a crappy year what with a child's ill health and other issues, but it seems that I'm getting back into writing. Maids of Silva has been updated, and a final chapter is being written by Goldberry at the moment. I've dipped into Lord of the Rings and have the first chapter of a new story up. Updates will be slow though. Whilst I have written the first six chapters, the plot is kind of slow and still developing. Please forgive me if I dont actually finish this one! I will try, but I make no promises! Update 09 January 2004 Apologies to all who have been waiting so patiently for the final chapter of Reliving the Past (an Inuyasha story). I failed to meet my target of Xmas day. hangs head in shame However, it is being finalised now. Im just working on the epilogue, which I always find the hardest part of a story to do. Fingers crossed it will be up by Thursday at the latest. I would invite everyone to prod me with sharp sticks again if I fail to meet this deadline, but I fear you all have blunted your weapons on me already _ Thanks to all who have sent me their thoughts and prods to continue. As always, it is appreciated _ On a seperate note, this story will probably be the last multipart I write for a while. I am yet to conclude Maids of Silva (a Gundam Wing story) with Goldberry, and I have promised a lemon GW oneshot for a challenge. Once they are done (in the next couple of weeks) I will probably have a bit of a rest from writing. Puzzle Pirates has taken over my free time in a major way, and I dont want to start another project that I cannot guarantee to finish. Thanks for reading _ kmf Update 11 July 2003 Current Projects: Still working on Maids of Silva under the pen-name Happily Ever After with Iris Anthe and Goldberry. Chapter 12 should be posted any moment now. Chapter 13 (by Goldberry) has just been written and is in the process of being betaed. Which means its my turn again to start on Chapter 14. Hopefully, we will be able to update a little more frequently from now until the end of the story (which probably isnt too far away). I am also working on an as yet untitled Inuyasha fic which involves a love triangle with a twist _ I hope that its going to be original enough to catch peoples interest, but we will see... Currently its up to six chapters, and I will probably start posting once Second Best has been fully posted (and once I think up a title!). Sadly, I am no longer co-writing Waltz of Wings with The Regency Company. I decided that I had just too many projects on to continue with this. However, the remaining members of the company will continue to write, so do please keep a look out for updates - they are all wonderful writers (Just seen that SC has posted the latest chapter, so do please go and take a look _) Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed, and also to those who have read and havent reviewed. I can see just how many hits my stories are getting and am always very happy that so many of you seem to enjoy reading them _ Cheers! kmf |