Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha, Naruto, and Evangelion. WELCOME You have reached the GENESIS D. ROSE Corporation's Home Page Contact us at: dwaite860@ We at G.D.R. Corp. are here for all of your Neon Genesis Evangelion AND NOW NARUTO fan-fiction FREE beta-reading needs. Yes, you read correctly it is absolutely FREE! (As if it would be anything else ;p) But we here and G.D.R. Corp. ONLY handle Neon Genesis Evangelion and Naruto and Crossovers featuring either one, repeat, ONLY NEON GENESIS EVANGELION FAN AND NARUTO AND CROSSOVERS WITH NARUTO OR SHINJI AS ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS FANFICTION. These are only MAJOR preferences, any other individual preferences held by or staff will be listed lower, Thank You and please enjoy our services STAFF Neon Genesis Evangelion Preferences 1. No Yoai or Shounen Ai 2. No Tragedy or Dark/Angst fics 3. No Drama Queen authors 4. Romance fics preferred but not limited too. 5. Multi Pairings involving Shinji as well as Shinji Older Woman and ShinjixHarem fics MUCH preferred, but again, not limited too. (Our philosophy is that after all the shite that Gendo a.k.a. The Bastard King, put(s) Shinji through, he DESERVES the happiness that only a older woman/women or multiple girls can provide) 6. Favorite Pairing: ShinjixRitsuko, but yet again, in no way limited too. (We here at G.D.R. Corp. also believe that the ShinjixRitsuko pairing is ONE OF THE MOST SERIOUSLY UNDERRATED pairings OF ALL TIME. STAFF Naruto Preferences 1. No Yoai or Shounen Ai 2. No Tragedy or Dark/Angst fics 3. No Drama Queen authors 4. Romance and AU fics preferred but not limited too. 5. NarutoxSakura and NarutoxHinata pairings are mostly preferred in Non-Cannon situations. 6. Multi Pairings involving Naruto as well as Older Woman fics MUCH preferred, but again, not limited too. (Our philosophy is that after all the shite that the small minded civilians and shinobi, put Naruto through, he DESERVES the happiness that only a older woman/women or multiple girls can provide) And Finally, We here at Genesis D. Rose Corp. have one Request to all you great authors out there. We here at G.D.R. Corp. are IMMENSELY huge fans of odd pairings and in all of our time in Beta Reading we have yet to see a pairing the only includes: Shinji Ikari x Kyoko Zepplin Soryu and/or Shinji Ikari x Naoko Akagi as well as NarutoxTsume, being ALSO ONE OF THE MOST SERIOUSLY UNDERRATED pairings OF ALL TIME. and/or any of Naruto and the Konoha 12's mothers Post 4th war or Time Travel Any of these done well not just added onto a mass harem as an after thought If any of you have an idea for such and put it to paper, so to speak, we will be eternally in your debt. Thank You and once again contact us at: dwaite860@ for all of your Neon Genesis Evangelion and Naruto Beta Reading needs. ATTENTION!! WE ARE NOW BACK ANT AT FULL FORCE AND TO TOP IT OFF WE NOW TAKE NARUTO AS WELL!! |
Academia Nut (6) antiassasinguy (26) BonesBoy15 (47) boringreader (0) Case13 (15) Chaoskirby3 (4) Daneel Rush (12) DarthValgaav (14) Digitize27 (8) Dragon1990 (9) Dragon6 (14) DsirinWsdm (5) Falstaf (5) fitzgerald (3) Garm88 (5) | gentlemankitsune (3) gunman (267) HnS-Ryouichi (6) hugp1x (0) Iron Monkey Fist (3) JackOfBladesX (28) James D. Fawkes (25) Kenchi618 (13) KikuTheTurtle (3) kyugan (38) Lord Raa (47) Meinos Kaen (48) Mike313 (15) Mister Cynical (24) Nyce456 (3) | Oturan Namikaze (12) Perplexed Writer (2) pudgypudge (6) Revanant Dragoon (10) S'TarKan (8) sexybitchxoxoxo (6) shadowmaster62 (3) Synica (7) The Omnipresent Sage (16) The Skeptical Puck (10) Vesvius (9) Viperflamer (8) Xed Alpha (14) |