![]() Author has written 28 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Avatar: Last Airbender, Trigun, Valdemar universe, Code Geass, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Legend of Korra, Queer as Folk, Shameless, 2011, In the Flesh, and Voltron: Legendary Defender. Tumbler: words-without Ao3: wordswithout Basics: Everything below this point I'm leaving for nostalgia's sake, but this account is in permanent hiatus. Was shadowriter55, years and years ago. Pairings (aka the important part): --I fangirl Royai like there's no tomorrow. It's a bit frightening. Also: Ed/Winry, Danny/Maria, Al/Marta, Greed/Marta, Scar/Lust, Fuery/Shezca, Havoc/Fuery, and Hughes/Gracia. I love the first anime and the manga, hate the movie, and actually got bored halfway through Brotherhood. One of these days I'm gonna try it again. --For Yu Yu Hakusho: Kuwabara/Yukina, unhealthy-Shizeru/Sakyo, srsly-unhealthy-Genkai/Toguro, Boton/Koenma. I despise Keiko, really. --For Teen Titans: Beast Boy/Raven, Beast Boy/Terra, and Robin/Starfire. --For House: Chase/Cameron. I don't know why. I didn't even like Cameron as a character all that much. Also, their divorce saga made me remember why I disliked her. Season five/six Wilson-in-mourning-over-Amber somehow managed to somewhat push me into Wilson/Amber mode. I like their relationship best when she's dead, though. House/Cuddy is also nice. Ditto for 13/Forman. I will always enjoy this show but I stopped watching about three seasons before the end, in case you couldn't tell. --For Glee: I just wanted there to be less Rachel/Finn drama and more Kurt/Blaine drama. Except that I stopped watching this show around the time Rachel was magically able to find a massive Brooklyn apartment with no income and no months of failed apartment searching. As someone currently living in Brooklyn that is not how it works and I cannot pretend otherwise. --For ATLA/LOK: I'm a loyal supporter of Katara/Zuko (Zutara). Canon, not-canon...honestly, at this point I don't care. Aang/Katara bores me to tears. Suki/Sokka and Smellerbee/Longshot are excellent; also Toph/Aang because why not. Occasionally I'll consider Ty Lee/Mai or Ursa/Ozai.
Of course, everyone knows that the only important characters in Avatar are Iroh and the Cabbage Man. (Although I have a bit of a Writer's Thing for Koh.) --For Trigun: Vash/Meryl and Millie/Wolfwood, and perhaps Legato/Midvalley. --For Code Geass: Suzaku/Euphie, Cornelia/Gilford, Ohgi/Viletta, Tohdoh/Nagisa Chiba, Schneizel/Kanon, Lloyd/Cecile, Li Xingke/Tianzi, Rivalz/Milly, Milly/Shirley, and I could get behind a decently-written Gino/Kallan. (I can't lie, Lelouche/Suzaku would be interesting...but in a dark, angsty, quasi-abusive sort of way.) --For Sherlock (BBC version): ohgosh Sherlock/John is the most awkward, fumbling, ridiculous thing and I love it so. It was John's about-face at the grave that got me. Also Moriarty/crazy/voice control. Season three was lame, though, and thus my interest fades. --For Assassin's Creed: See above. I'm not sure if it's true love or true hate but Maltair is fun to say. I try to redeem myself for this Altair/Malik obsession by supporting Ezio/Rosa as well (sorry, Leonardo, he's just not that into you). I'll never be a Altair/Maria fan but in writing her I've found a respect for what she could have been if they hadn't smashed her character into canon so poorly. Ezio/Caterina, Ezio/Christina, Ezio/Sofia, and Ezio/all the prostitutes also work. If it wasn't for Altair/Malik I think Shaun/Rebecca would be my otp. I accept Desmond/Lucy much more now that The Big Reveal made things sad and interesting. Yusuf whyyyyyy. The Secret Crusade does not exist in my world, although I do like Altair and Malik's respective offspring. I angryship Haytham/Ziio, and is Conner/Aveline a thing? Can it be a thing? Even if I have no idea when/if I'll have a chance to play Liberation? Edward/James Kidd in all and every form. Eddy is so drunkenly, charmingly amoral - and James is one snazzy-dressed upstart. /cries hideously because goddamn it Ubisoft. I've busily pared my Brotherhood apprentices together. This should surprise no one. Annetta/Panfilo, secretly Nino/Saverino, and yes, this is what I do with my spare time. Still trying to figure out how Annetta got to Turkey, because Ezio repeat-rescued her from some Byzantines in Revelations. --For Harry Potter: Tonks/Lupin always has my interest. --One day I was drifting about Tumblr and someone linked to an episode of Queer as Folk (US version), and I thought, oh, this is probably pretty cheesy and I don't think I'm going to like it. Welp. I can't quite process the amount of Brian/Justin feels in my life right now. (The scarf-! The denial-! Brian's lip biting-!) Also Ben/Michael, Mel/Lindsey, Debbie/Carl, I guess Ted/Blake, and Emmett/someone who will appreciate his glorious dance moves. Maybe Drew. --I think Welcome to Night Vale may be more a terrifying glimpse into alternate realities than a fandom, but I'll happily ship Cecil/Carlos in any dimension. Does anyone else have feels for Intern Dana/Man in the Tan Jacket? --Half the reason I'm so close to my mom is because for the last dozen years we've bonded over the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit movies. I would never have read the books otherwise, so thanks, Peter Jackson! Faramir/Éowyn now and forever, but currently I'm preparing for great tragedy in the third movie via my love for Taurial/Kili. I didn't think I'd care about them. I wasn't prepared to care about them. I think it's the height difference. And the tragedy. --One day I was drifting about Tumblr and someone linked to an episode of Shameless (US version) and...you get it. I will commit human sacrifice to ensure a happy ending for Ian/Mickey: Mickey is so confused and shrieky and in love and I can't. Kev/Veronica, of course. And although I look fondly back on the days when I thought Fiona/Tony might be a thing, I'll take Fiona/JimmySteve. Lip/no one until he learns how to treat a lady. Mandy/happiness, please. --So, In the Flesh. Bisexual zombies and badass gun-toting little sisters and Simon's horrendous grandpa sweaters and the walking dad-joke that is Steve Walker. Why doesn't this show have a season 3? Kieren/Simon, naturally, especially where Simon's treating Kier like he's the messiah and Kieren has no idea. Also Amy/Philip. CURRENTLY WORKING ON Please see Tumblr for any and all update information! Other Notes --Violent Delights, Past the Fall, and Afterthought make up an unofficial little Fire Nation Family trilogy. You in no way have to read all to understand one, nor are they in any particular order. But I like to think they compliment each other nicely. Water, Water, Everywhere is essentially oc-centric (well, about as oc-centric as As a Tower is oc-centric) LoK torturefic with an emphasis on torture. -- I've written a lot of Royai in my day, much of it posted within collections. Every Missing Irony and Remember Tomorrow are probably my best efforts, skill-wise. EMI is also finished, despite my dithering on calling it such. One day it might get another chapter as an endpiece. One day. The Colonel and the First Lieutenant contains a lot of older work, some of it still decent. Midnight Insomnia would have been better as a smutfic if I hadn't been 15 when I wrote it. The Beginning's Sacrifice needs a new title. Perspectives is bad. It just is. It was my first ever fanfiction, written many years ago, and it's craptastic, with laughable characterization problems and author's notes that look like they were written by a nerdy 14 year old (they were, in fact, written by a nerdy 14 year old). I fixed up--or tried to fix up--the first dozen or so chapters, but there's no salvaging Bad Writing. I keep it up for nostalgia's sake, but it's not a good story and I mean that in all seriousness. --Battle of Eagles is proof that my 22 year old self is not my 14 year old self: it contains implied slash of the kind I once swore I'd never write, and a dash of AU of the type I used to hate. It's also probably the weakest of my multi-chaptered Maltair fics. The Desert Drowning will only make sense if you've seen the DLC for Assassin's Creed 2. As a Tower Firmly Set is original fiction only not at all. --And When the Earth Shall Claim Your Limbs is finished! An AC1 pregame fic from Malik's point of view. Slash, of the Maltair/Altmal variety. Now contains the longest single chapter I've ever written, at over 13,000 words. Note the M rating. --I'm not not using this account but I'm also posting everything on ao3 going forward as well as here, and just not writing much fanfiction in general these days. Fanart: 1) And When The Earth Shall Claim Your Limbs: this (nsfw) and this by the amazing sannam ;six year olds.. ; chapter 17 (nsfw), miss you like a limb and was it worth it; loss of innocence; untitled by Azure-Crystal; gtfo, novices; take off your hood; Altair x Malik, AltMal - Not What it Looks Like, AltMal Part 2 - Suck it Yourself 2) As a Tower Firmly Set: this is my new OTP 3) The Wanderers: beast designs by skywalker05 (concept art from one of the co-authors counts as fanart, right?) 4) The cover drawings for Battle of Eagles and And When the Earth... are by the ay-may-zing artist sixthdeadlysin. 5) German readers can find Battle of Eagles translated by the wonderful Hlaalu. Check out: skywalker05, mumblybee. The former writes the best person/person/spaceship you've ever read, and the latter can be counted on for either ridiculous crackfic or heartbreaking Ezio angst. Also, everything I know about Kadar I learned from skywalker's Paths Not on the Map. I love requests, challenges, constructive critiques, and reviews in general. Tell me what you think about my writing and I'll be happy...leave me one of those super-long, in-depth, really detailed reviews and I'll be really happy. |