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Joined 05-04-17, id: 9167893, Profile Updated: 10-27-18
Author has written 6 stories for Far from the Madding Crowd, Blade Runner, Game of Thrones, Gilmore Girls, Outlander, and Black Dahlia.

Hi, I'm Shropslass. I love being creative. I play the piano, enjoy crochet, reading and writing.

I have written a sexy book called 'Gabriel's Island' (no connection with Gabriel in Far from the Madding Crowd) by Cara Flynn. It's on Amazon.

I love to write romance stories with a sexy undertone, in the SF genre. I think I was born in the wrong era as I especially love classical literature and novels with strong willed female characters.

My story 'Gabriel's Story' is written from his point of view because I felt such a connection with him in the film. He loves Bathsheba, but she constantly thwarts him. How does he think and feel? I wanted to give a sense of his frustration, not just with her, but also with the society he lives in. I think he is a bit confused by her as she is unusual for the time, but he respects her. Gabriel is one of the first feminists, but an attractive, masculine one. I think this comes across in the film. I decided to write about the wedding night at the end to spice it up a bit!

I've just started writing a fanfiction based on Outlander. Again, sexy, but character driven. Hope you enjoy it!

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The Game of Snow and Fire reviews
The love affair between Daenerys and Jon. Tyrion is conflicted with emotions. Director Alan Taylor said George R.R. Martin said when filming Season 1, "That it really is all about Dany and Jon. I was surprised because I thought, well Robb Stark's going to be king next. But it was absolutely clear to him that the whole story was coming down to this partnership."
Game of Thrones - Rated: T - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 21 - Words: 20,244 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 90 - Follows: 121 - Updated: 6/17/2019 - Published: 8/31/2017 - Daenerys T., Jon S. - Complete
Black Narcissus
Erotically charged story about a Nun and the man she falls in love with. Taken from the film Black Narcissus starring Deborah Kerr.
Black Dahlia - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,010 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: 2/24/2019
Outlander The Wedding reviews
It is Jamie and Claire's wedding night. Claire feels a mix of emotions, such as guilt, but also desire. She feels that she is pretending to be something she is not and Jamie's lack of experience both amuses and confounds her.
Outlander - Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,668 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 12/1/2018 - Published: 10/27/2018
Lessons in Love reviews
Luke loves Lorelai, but he can't tell her. All those self-help books don't seem to be working for him. How can he get her to see him for the man he is and not just Luke at the diner?
Gilmore Girls - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,249 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 5/24/2018 - Published: 5/21/2018 - Lorelai G., Luke D.
Gabriel's story reviews
From the 2015 film, as seen from Gabriel's point of view. Centres on the conflict he feels when he is with Bathsheba, fighting his need to protect her with his desire to love her. Trying to be a loyal worker, but constantly questioning her choices.
Far from the Madding Crowd - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 8,932 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 7/28/2017 - Published: 5/10/2017 - Complete
Kiss me
This is the love scene between Deckard and Rachael. Deckard's fascination with Rachael, knowing that she is a replicant, programmed with memories from Tyrell's niece. It doesn't stop him wanting her.
Blade Runner - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 408 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: 5/28/2017