![]() Author has written 4 stories for Kim Possible. Hello there, Welcome to my profile. From here things go backward in time... (6/20/20) It's been a while, but still here, working and taking care of real life. That doesn't mean I am not paying attention to this account, though. A Guest Review to one of my Tales posted here was unhappy that it wasn't posted right away, due to a setting to Moderate certain Reviews. I took this setting to discourage Flame-and-run 'Reviews', but they can be Approved or Declined when I check them over. Nearly all have been Nice, a couple now and then, not so nice. I am glad this was brought to my attention and will continue to oversee those in the future. (5/10/09) Reverting back to my usual avatar today. Still gonna miss the Commander. Godspeed Commander Argus, and calm waters Nelson Binch. (4/18/09) In memory of the passing of Commander Argus, last December, my avatar will be one that was created by Ran Hakubi in tribute to this wonderful writer, artist and all around gentle soul. Godspeed Nelson Binch, Godspeed. (2/3/2008) PooYie! (That's Cajun French for 'Booyah') My first tale, 'Kim Possible: Christmas Among Friends', went over One Thousand hits today! All I can say to readers is: Thank You So Very Much! I hope it was enjoyed by all who stopped by to read the fiction and this seems to be the case from the reviews I have received up to the moment. On top of that, I've been nominated in the 'Best New Writer' category for the 3rd Annual Fannies Awards and have made it to the second round. I'm honored to be considered, but from looking at the list of nominees, just being there is fine with me. There are so many good contributors that started writing here in 2007 that didn't get nominated or make the next round that I am just floored by this turn of events. There are so many new writers in '07 that I feel should be listed ahead of me, that it just isn't funny. But 'I will be at the awards ceremony' courtesy of my patron and fellow contributor at KP_TZ2, cpneb, when the festivities crank up later this month (February, 2008). So, if you haven't voted yet, visit Zaratan's or site for the link, check out the contributors and/or their tales and cast your vote. Then when the 3rd Annual Fannies startup, just sit back and watch the fireworks. They're going to be fantastic! (10/19/2007) With all the 'Avatars' present on many of the site pages of authors here I decided to add one of my own on my page. I added the Avatar on 10/19/07 when I remembered this one from Fazhou's DevArt site graphic. It sums up my take on many of the Kim/Ron contributors to this site: Smoldering. For much of the four season run of "Kim Possible" Kim was in charge of any and all of the relationship of her and her BFF. Things changed at the end of S4, but I'm sure she realized that no matter how far Ron stepped up beyond her, he always deferred to his 'best friend for life' and would follow her lead, even in their romantic aspects. If nothing else, he would run willingly to her to have her back in any endeavor. She would willingly accept any contribution he had to the 'sitch'. (10/7/2007) A fan of the series "Kim Possible" since early 2004, I lamented the end of the series in the spring of 2005 and stumbled across this site shortly after "So the Drama" aired. I've been joyously reading fan fiction from this site since that June, and became a member a few months later to better be able to communicate with those who inhabit this site. I mostly took part in reviews or the back and forth with some of the authors here who contribute works to this site. On occasion I helped a couple of them by beta'ing their work or offering advice on some things. From there I was invited to join a collaboration of some stellar people here to produce some tales under the KP_TZ2 brand (http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1276901/). One of my contributions, "All the Nacos in the world" was posted in July of 2007 and I hope it will be enjoyed by those who read it. If you do come across the story, please review and let me know what you think about it, the advice will be appreciated and can help me improve whatever I work on in the future. The leader of this merry band of KP_TZ2 misfits, cpneb, is surrounded by a couple authors I consider among the giants of this site: Captainkodak1 and whitem, as well as another who joined in writing for the KP side of this site around the same time as cpneb in the summer of 2006, Pharaoh Rutin Tutin. Cap and whitem have contributed some very solid works here and it was in reading some of Cap's earliest works that hooked me to this site. Folks like whitem, cpneb and PRT, as well as other wonderful authors here have made my experiences here very enjoyable. As a result of some beta work here and there, I have been able to help another very good author of this site, Limby, with some of his tales of the lives of Kim and Ron in FF dot net's little corner of the universe. I suggest you read up on some of his postings, they deal with some very solid emotions and the angsty romantic side of the relationship, but some hope is offered for them in the end even if they don't hook up. A major K/R shipper, I enjoyed the "Kim Possible" series for how the main characters interact, how they compliment each other and when in conflict with each other, realize what to do to make amends (at times not so much, but what are ya gonna do in a 10, 25 or 75 or so minute episode; that, it seems, is what Fanfiction (dot) net is for...) The dynamic of Kim and Ron through all four seasons was interesting to watch, especially when it became apparent through season two and into three that the story seemed to be building towards them becoming a couple. Kim and Ron were nearly complete opposites in their personality's and abilities, yet she really didn't leave him behind when it could have been so easy to do so. As for Ron, he seems to be skating on the edge of getting himself left behind several times, but in the end he came through for his best friend, then girlfriend, and at times the world; and she learned to appreciate all that it took to get to that. Now for a little bit about myself: Male, happily married, just past the half-century mark in age, living in the south (my pen name should give you a clue of the area where I am from), working as a computer field support technician. Thinning brown/grey mixed hair, the size of Brick Flagg, a member of the brass section in my high school band, a three sport athlete (football, track & field and basketball) as well as an honor graduate in high school, but majored in enjoying life in college on the way to a degree in Phys Ed, I ended up supporting the world of computers. Hobbies include reading sci-fiction, biographies, sports and history, staying current (sometimes) and high school sports official (football, baseball, and retired from basketball). I've worn the uniform of the US Navy (briefly), and the US Army, just missing the Desert Storm call up for my National Guard Mechanized Infantry Unit by 3 months. Married for a little over two decades to a very wonderful woman from a neighboring state, we have a menagerie of furry children who will never need to go to college... Life for us has always been interesting, but never dull as we mosey along down the road of life we are traveling. From my time perusing this site I have learned to open myself up and use the 'better angels' of emotions that had always been bottled inside; I became a better person and am grateful for the exposure to what unlocked that part of me in the process. Many of you contributing to this site have helped me get that far, and I thank you for what you helped me discover. For the most part I have been a reader and reviewer of tales here for some time, and I have been interested in contributing to the last bastion of being a part of this site: authorship. Some authors whose stories I have reviewed have questioned me as to why I am not writing, and I finally got involved here: first with KP_TZ2, and hopefully in the future I'll have some tales of my own to post here, but as time allows. As time goes by, I'll have more to contribute to this profile or to the site in general. So if you have the time, don't hesitate to PM me or just send an email to say hi. |