Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, and Mario. [16/04/2020] My favourite characters are Dumbledore, Harry, Ron, and Luna, mostly because of their potential. My disliked characters are Fleur, Hermione and Draco. My favourite pairings are Harry/OC and Harry/Daphne. My most disliked pairings are Harry/Hermione and Harry/Fleur. I don't read slash (though I got nothing against it, just can't picture a dude as a sexual being in any context.) and I dislike most harems, mostly because they're poorly done. I've done (and I'm still doing) beta for a few authors now... My fellow Brazilian and beloved friend AsphodelRose87's Catching fire during an unexpected journey; My Nikitas: Petrificus Somewhatus' Sliding Doors, A Most Splendid Expedition, Dwarves in the Castle, Traditions; Saliient91's HP and the International Triwizard Tournament; Taliesin19's Grow Young with Me; SalTal Studios' Healer Harry - A Fanfic, Edelweiss and The Law of Double Consonants; My dear authors: Frickles's profile - I've worked on every single one except MoH. Firefawn's Eclipse of the Sky and Eat your Heart out Robin Hood; SilverStarwolfe's Gryffindor's Girl AppoApples' profile - I've worked on several, if not all at some point or another. TriageThePotterFan's Daphne Greengrass and the Pie-Throwing Championships and HP and the Crystal of Lost Dreams; Gomez36000's (AKA Liberty Prime) Hope and Healing; Adamantiumsleep's Granger - I didn't know; BlackPhoenixI's Forged through Resilience, From Where Brilliant Dreams are Born and A Black Opportunity; Warden in the North's Something to Hope For; DowLane's Luna, Nargles, and Love Addiction; Valirys Reinhald's Ready to Stay; najex's By Courage and Love; I also have a blog, h t t p s : / / nauzenerd . blogspot . com - Or you can just Google Nauze's Nerd Nest, you'll find me. |
adamantiumsleep (1) AppoApples (41) AsphodelRose87 (5) bexis1 (1) bippopotamus (2) firefawn (5) | Frickles (18) JacobApples (15) Kwan Li (7) Liberty1Prime (6) najex (4) | Saliient91 (3) SalTalStudios (6) Taliesin19 (2) WardyWoo (12) |