![]() Author has written 910 stories for Inuyasha, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fullmetal Alchemist, Final Fantasy VII, Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Harry Potter, Twilight, Vampire Doll, Being Human, D.Gray-Man, NCIS, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hetalia - Axis Powers, X-Men: The Movie, Kingdom Hearts, Sherlock Holmes, Supernatural, White Collar, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Avengers, Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, Grimm, Haikyu/ハイキュー, Gangsta./ギャングスタ, Ancient Magus' Bride/魔法使いの嫁, Bungou Stray Dogs/文豪ストレイドッグス, All Out!!/オールアウト!!, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Keeper of the Lost Cities, NCIS: New Orleans, Blue Period/ブルーピリオド, Closer, Villains of Valley View, Let the Right One In/Låt den rätte komma in, NCIS: Los Angeles, FBI, Card Captor Sakura, NCIS: Hawaii, Fire Country, Magilumiere Co. Ltd./株式会社マジルミエ, NCIS: Sydney, and Rookie. mew (yes, spelled with a small m, tyvm). tumblr: le-amewzing (main), camelliacats (HariPo fic blog) ao3: mew_tsubaki, Miraphina Atherton pillowfort: amewzing My current avatar, drawn by me, is chibi Creamy Mami from Magical Angel Creamy Mami. M&MWP forum & Aphrodite's Rejects forum oOoOoOo Requesting FAQs — READ BEFORE YOU REQUEST! (section current as of May 2022) Since I've been generating some new content, I've been getting more requests, and honestly I should've outlined dos&don'ts a looong time ago. So here are a few things to note before you request!
themes I don't write: -bestiality HP ships I don't write: -Drarry, Snarry, TomHarry Also, even though I dislike the Golden Trio, I still write them and even their canon ships. So thank you very much for your readership, and I appreciate you following these guidelines when requesting~ -mew! =w= oOoOoOo Regarding permissions (section current as of May 2022) Well, if you enjoy my fics and are interested in creating some more fanworks based off them, first things first: Please link back to the work you reference and credit me as mew. c: (If you wanna be specific, I'm: mew-tsubaki on FFN; mew_tsubaki or Miraphina Atherton on AO3, depending on the fandom; and le-amewzing or camelliacats on tumblr, also depending on the fandom. Have any questions about which account to link? Just message me! :D) -Fanart/GIFs/etc pics? I am really happy to receive fanart! Similar fanworks like covers, banners, moodboards, photosets, and gifsets are also cool; just link me or send me a message afterwards so I can see your work and, better yet, link it on my sites. :3 [Exception: If you see art I've made for my own fic, please do not use it in your fanwork, thank you! Also, no fan-cast works please, especially for OCs, thank you.] -Translations? I'm usually down for translations, but I do prefer you ask about the specific work via review/comment/message first. Please note if someone has already translated the work into the language you wanted to do, then I consider that work "done," but I invite you to peruse my body of work for something else you might like to translate. [Exception: Someone in the middle of translating a work for a given language but dropped it. Then that'd be open!] -Podfic? I'm favorable towards podfics, though they're not something I typically consume myself. Again, I prefer you ask about the specific work via review/comment/message first. There might be certain works I prefer not to see transformed this way, hence my preference you ask first (there are a LOT of fics, so not everything's always on my mind, and I like the chance to refresh myself, too -w-). -Remixes? For remixes, I ONLY permit sequels, companion fics, missing moments, and POV switches; I DO NOT permit ship changes/swaps or plot rewrites. But also, for remixes, please ask first, in case it's something I'm already working on, myself. -Inspired-bys? Hells yeah! My pals and I have done stuff like this for yrs with each other's stories without knowing there was a term, *lol*. I don't need a head's up here, but do link me when you're done so I can enjoy! :D -Other kinds of transformative works? Idk what I've missed! (Maybe crafts?? Bc I know I'm not the only one who makes fandom and ship jewelry and accessories. X'D) But fandom continues to evolve in ways I never would've imagined when I first got started so long ago, so feel free to message me. I'm always happy to chat in general, too, if you just wanna dish about a fic or an idea or a ship or a charrie! oOoOoOo I have 3 challenges, won 1 competition, have translations of several of my stories, have some companions written to one of my stories, have inspired some others to write stories based on my storylines, and have been nominated for and won (both me and my fics) informal awards; won Best Trio Era Author & Best Next-Gen Freeverse ("Baubles & Blood") for The 2012 Couture Awards; runner-up Best Romance Author for L&L's 2012 Genre Awards; won Best Cousincest Story ("do the dance") & runner-up for Best Cousincest Author for The Midnight Angst Awards. PM me if you want to know about anything, and I can try to send/guide you to the links. I am on Pottermore*Slytherin pride. 2012 HOUSE CUP CHAMPIONS! I am also on myHogwarts*Slytherin, through and through. oOoOoOo NOTES: Any fic that has Maydayverse in its summary means that it belongs to my major head-canon, my May Day universe. This is my ultimate head-canon. Combining most of JKR's pre- and post-Epilogue canon with holes I've filled with missing plotlines, the May Day universe largely stems from things we saw coming from the major storyline from the books and movies, but it often focuses on how May 1st-2nd, 1998, greatly changed everything. Many of my fics will now be found in this universe since they fit and it's the head-canon I love the most. Details from the books and movies may sometimes be smushed together, jsyk. Current fics that actually belong to the Maydayverse include all my Jamestins, "Betting on Bludgers," "the girl with the pink ribbon," "the loss they didn't yet know," "Nothing to Do," "Zugzwang," "I'm Only Paying My Respects," "if you fall at midnight," "A Life Well-Lived," "HELLO? HELLO? LIAR LIAR," "the broken ones," "yours, mine, & ours," until the ride ends & even after that, and other assorted fics. I'll at least be editing summaries if not fics to mention that they are part of the Maydayverse. MOST of these fics are Trio-era, but some fics may be Marauder-era since that influenced the Trio era while others may be Next-gen since the Trio era influenced the Next-gen. M&MWPs do happen in the Maydayverse. Any fic that has ToFuverse in its summary means that it belongs to my 2nd-largest head-canon. "ToFu" is short for "To the Future," the title of my 2nd ever major HariPo story and my 1st head-canon, pre-Maydayverse. It has nothing to do with the Maydayverse and involves a lot of old pairings and charries I loved before I even began M&MWPs with Morghen. Fics included are: To the Future, In the Present, From the Past, and At the Moment. Others are planned but will only be done once I actually finish these four main stories. Any fic that has AphReject in its summary means it's an Aphrodite's Rejects pairing, and therefore was discovered by either BlueMango or me, so please give a little mention if you use that weird PJO pairing. We'd appreciate it a lot! Thanks! Any fic that has M&MWP in its summary means it's a Mew & Mor Weird Pairing, and therefore was discovered by either Mor or me, so please give a little mention if you use that weird HariPo pairing. We'd appreciate it a lot! Thanks! *mew ;) oOoOoOo Because I've been asked by several peeps, I'm going to start a map here of stories that are in series but can still stand by themselves. I'll add more as necessary. Feel free to PM me requests, too. Confundusverse (Marvel/HariPo next-gen Xovers): 1-unwarranted variables (Tony/Victoire); 2-The Last Light Left (Bruce/Molly); 3-Actions Quieter Than Words (Dominique/Steve); 4- Jamestins (part of my Maydayverse; see above for definition): 1-Let the Light Shine In; 1.5-Think Twice; 2-Things That Tie Us Close; 3-20 something potatoes of love; 4-Heroic Tendencies; 5-All We Need Is Now; 6-Trial By Fire; 7-Two Young Eyes to Guide Me; 8- Worrywarts series (HQ!! fics based on the "Current Concern" from each character profile as provided by Furudate-sensei; these are in no particular order and can be read each on their own): An Earnest Heart (pre-Watari/Matsukawa); Winners & Losers (pre-Hanamaki/Yahaba; some Oiwa/Iwaoi); There Are Worse Things in the World (pre-Futakuchi/Aone if you squint); [more to come] Birds of a Feather AU (HQ!! fics in an AU in which 3 people didn't play for Karasuno's volleyball club in high school—there are the main stories & side stories, EACH of which can be read as STANDALONE fics, but I'll put them in order here for those who'd like the chronology): Quitting (Ennotana 1), Hiring (Ennotana 2), Recommendation (Ennotana 3), Promotion (Ennotana 4), "Glass Shards" (side story 1), "Circumstances" (side story 2), Closing (Ennotana 5), "Constant" (side story 3), "Brown Gold Eyes" (side story 4), "Stray Cats" (side story 5), an untitled Kinonari oneshot (side story 6), Opportunity (Ennotana 6), "Molting" (side story 7), "Moving Mountains" (side story 8), "Comfort Seekers" (side story 9), "Conscious of You" (side story 10), "Proximity" (side story 11), "The Long Distance Not Between Us" (side story 12), "Luck of the Draw" (side story 13), "Variable" (side story 14), "Unorthodox" (side story 15), "Nostalgia" (side story 16) [more to come] |