Author has written 1 story for Supernatural. I am a 23 year old female who enjoys the pleasures of reading and writing. By luck I stumbled apon this site a few years ago. I am sick with Lyme's Disease and therefore have no life and plenty of free time. I used to have two stories up here that I have since deleted because of my lack of interest and the fact that my characters were Mary sues. Things I like: reading, writing, working out, track, soccer, biking, art, motorcycles, movies, anime/manga, american comic books, stand up comedy, my friends, wolves, panthers, hyenas... Things I dislike: racists, homophobes, idiots, my sucky grammar skills, this one teacher, poor plots in stories, ungrateful bitches, Hummers, The S.A.D. (standard american diet), excuses, fear, labels for people, jugdemental idiots, being talked down to, chat speak in real life or fanfiction... One bright day in the middle of the night |
A.Darkside (0) Abby Ebon (99) Arigatomina (101) Crislyn (1) | Hobbit-eyes (18) InuStar (3) KuriQuinn (55) luckyducky93 (8) | MurasakiYasu (15) Ninjagrrl (0) Snickle-Gigger (0) The Werewolf Mage (18) Water Mage (14) |