Author has written 67 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Kingdom Hearts, Magna Carta, Tsubasa Chronicle, Star Ocean, Drakengard, Misc. Games, Guilty Gear, Persona Series, Infinite Space, Yukikaze, Tiger & Bunny/タイガー&バニー, and Granblue Fantasy. Fanfic goldfish. Swims in many fandom pools. Known to splash, known to dive, dabbles here and there. Tends to swim upstream. Will write whatever tickles her fins. Can also be found at Off the Homerow @ LJ for more fics and rare fandoms. FIC STATUS / UPDATES Imperfect Various Things: Guilty Gear backstory fix-fic for various characters. IN PROGRESS. Covalent Bonds: The dreaded Guilty Gear college AU fic. It had to happen. IN PROGRESS. Going off the Record: This fic grabs canon by the throat and shakes it until all the shiny things come tumbling out. Including Sin. Somewhere along the line, the world gets saved. Go figure. GGX/X2-based timeline, centered around Ky and Sol, IN PROGRESS. Slipstream: Yukikaze fix-fic. Because there's no way in hell something like guy/guy/jet should be boring. IN PROGRESS. Three Degrees to the Right: A long-term Guilty Gear project set in the war era, centered around Sol and Ky. COMPLETE. REBOOT PROJECT OVERVIEW (GUILTY GEAR): What is it? What does it involve? - Three Degrees to the Right: The war-era explosion-fest that didn't know it was going to spawn an entire alternate timeline. |
Akuma no Tsubasa (10) asprosdrakos (14) Bard Linn (35) Fate VII (37) jen0va99 (15) | Kiraya (25) Knowing Shadows (3) Lunar (14) maijimaij (20) Razrantha (20) | Thorne Scratch (22) tir-synni (54) twigcollins (0) |