Author has written 126 stories for Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Avatar: Last Airbender, Firefly, X-Men: The Movie, Final Fantasy X, Legend of Korra, Once Upon a Time, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Find me at Unknowableroom: andromeda311 -icon is by icons-of-isis on LJ. Reference Links: The urumi in action; regards to Opheliac Translations: To Burn - into French by Alison Devlin, Portuguese by mondayblues, German by ZarinaRiddle still too early to dream - into Portuguese by InfallableGirl, German by ZarinaRiddle, Spanish by EggDupont Whisper - into German by ZarinaRiddle Bright the Day - into German by ZarinaRiddle, into Polish by Kallisto Coup de Grace - into Portuguese by Space Tiger Smoke and Mirrors - into German by ZarinaRiddle Stasis -- into Polish by Kallisto Dirty Magic (HP) -- into Portugese by LuMoon Breathe Me -- into German by Karussell Fanart: Harlequin - "It's an illusion, remember?" and "Harlequin" by cinnamon-lady24 (or Old Fiat here) Nothing to do with nothing: No one's mentioned it, but I just want to comment that you should take into account when my Once Upon a Time fics were written, characterization-wise. Untrustworthy Pirate Moonshine and dirty magic were both written before "Into the Deep," and Single's Awareness Day and and she dreams through the noise was written before "Manhattan." The other one is an AU so it's irrelevant. I say this because it actually bothers me to go back and look at them and see how utterly Jossed they've been and nngh. Update 9/2018: I'm pretty much exlusively on AO3 now, and likely won't be posting anything new to this account. I apologize, but nothing will be deleted here and everything on AO3 is public, so you don't need an account to read or keep up with my work! I'll still keep up with translations and the like, and I still receive emails from this account, so don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions or comments! It's been a long and fun road, FFN. Fare thee well. |
charmingly-holly (21) Crookshanks22 (23) deews (0) Just a Supergirl (9) | Lirillith (47) Noldo (0) onceuponamirror (15) opalish (13) | PasifiKStaR (12) She's a Star (332) something-like-love (51) |
Community: | Good Fics with LilyJames, HarryGinny, AU, Timetravel, Blacks... |
Focus: | Books Harry Potter |